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ATSM for SAS and LE doctors

Can SAS and LE Doctors do ATSMs?

Advanced Training Skill Modules (ATSMs) form part of the final 2 years of the O&G Specialty Trainees’ training programme (in years 6 and 7).

For a SAS doctor or LED to undertake an ATSM, they need to:

  • Have obtained MRCOG (the College's Membership exam)
  • Have completed the intermediate competencies in the core curriculum
  • Submit an up to date curriculum vitae
  • Get approval from 2 ATSM educational supervisors, ATSM preceptor and the Director of ATSMs on behalf of the Deanery Specialty Training Committee/Postgraduate school
  • Obtain approval from the Clinical Director in the employing Trust

The SAS/Locally Employed Doctor should have the agreement of their manager and employing Trust that they can be released from other paid duties to undertake the necessary training sessions.

The employing Trust may view such a request more favourably if it can see that the training obtained will benefit local service provision longer term, as well as staff satisfaction in the shorter term.

If the training is done in a doctor's own time, it is important to check that the work done is still covered by the hospital indemnity scheme and/or doctor's own medical defence organisation. Please see RCOG wellbeing resources hub on legal advice for further information.

See ATSMs under the curriculum section for further information.
