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ePortfolio for SAS and LE doctors

There are different ePortfolios for you to choose from. Please see the below information to support you in deciding which of the College’s ePortfolios is best for you.

Training ePortfolio

The Training ePortfolio is based around the RCOG core curriculum and logbook and contains all associated assessments. It is intended for specialty trainees working towards their CCT, but can also be used by doctors working in SAS and LED posts.

Access to the Training ePortfolio is available by subscribing to the Trainees' Register.

Reduced rate access is available to RCOG members and Associates (see below).

CPD ePortfolio

The CPD ePortfolio is designed to ensure doctors remain up to date in an ever-changing medical environment.

The CPD ePortfolio is a benefit of College membership: UK and International Fellows and Members can access the CPD ePortfolio at no cost.

RCOG Associates

If you do not hold the MRCOG Part 2, and wish to have access to the CPD ePortfolio, you can do so by becoming an Associate member of the RCOG. Find out more about Associate membership.

Associate members do not receive access to the Training ePortfolio as part of their benefits. However, UK Associates can apply to access the Training ePortfolio for an additional fee. Before applying, we suggest that you discuss your needs with your appraiser or supervisor.

Some SAS and Locally Employed Doctors may have training elements in their job plan and would like to keep a record of their competencies. If so, they can apply to have access to the Training ePortfolio as well as the CPD ePortfolio. We recommend that you discuss this with your appraiser or supervisor before applying.
