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Induction for SAS and LE doctors

It is crucial that SAS and LEDs are supported from the beginning of their employment. The below checklists and resources will, alongside existing induction programmes, support in settling these groups of doctors into their new role and/or into their new department by addressing their specific needs.

SAS doctors

The SAS induction checklist aims to support employers in providing specialty, associate specialist and specialist (SAS) doctors with a smooth transition into their new role, and can be used alongside existing induction programmes.

The aim is to ensure that SAS doctors are made aware of the guidance, resources and tools that available to support them throughout their employment.

Providing an appropriate induction forms part of the recommendations in the SAS charter, which sets out what SAS doctors can expect from their employers, and what employers can expect from them.

It is also important that employers understand the aspirations of SAS, so that they can be supported to reach these goals.

Download the SAS induction checklist from the NHS Employers website

Locally Employed doctors

The LED checklist, created by the BMA, is designed to support LEDs in understanding their job title and job description, as well as their contracts’ terms and conditions and pay.

Download the LED checklist from the BMA website

International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

Many SAS and LEDs are IMGs, employers need to understand the specific needs that IMGs have.

If you are a SAS or LE doctor new to the UK, please see the NHS Induction Programme for International Medical Graduates: Designed to ensure that all International Medical Graduates (IMGs) are welcomed, valued, and supported as they transition to UK clinical practice in the NHS. The RCOG recommends that all doctors new to the UK engage with this resource.

For further support for IMGs, please see the RCOG’s IMG Hub.


