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Membership of the RCOG for SAS and LE doctors

The RCOG encourages all doctors working in O&G to consider membership of the RCOG whether as a full Member (if MRCOG passed) or Associate Member (if no MRCOG exam passed or working towards Membership).

Although attracting a membership fee, this is a tax-deductible expense and can be paid in instalments. Discounts are available for those taking career breaks, parental leave or on long term sick leave.

Read about the different types of College membership and the benefits of RCOG membership.

If you are already a Member or Associate Member of the College, please keep your contact details and current job title up to date under "My account" -> "My details" so that we can keep in touch with information of particular interest and relevance to SAS and LE Doctors.

This enables the College to update you on latest developments, guidelines and news and also ensures your information is relevant to your job description.

The information also aids in distributing staff surveys and questionnaires to the appropriate groups.