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Workplace and workforce issues for SAS and LE doctors

Workplace Behaviour Champions for SAS/LED

There’s a Workplace Behaviour Champion in every school/deanery to help take forward our work to address undermining and bullying in the workplace.

See the RCOG's page on Improving workplace behaviours and dealing with undermining and bullying.

The Champions are primarily a resource for doctors in training who want independent advice about any unacceptable behaviour they’re experiencing. They also support SAS doctors and Locally Employed Doctors in their role.

We hope SAS and LE Doctors who are experiencing undermining will feel able to approach the Champions early, so we can identify and address issues as soon as possible. If the doctor works in the same unit as their local Champion and find external support more appropriate, they can contact Champions from neighbouring schools/deaneries.

Wellbeing resources

There are also a wide range of wellbeing resources available to support SAS doctors and LEDs. Please see the below links for further information:

Please see below the wellbeing resources for all doctors:

For further resources on workplace issues and wellbeing, please see the RCOG wellbeing resources hub.

SAS Advocates

In addition to the above resources, SAS advocates can be crucial to supporting the wellbeing of SAS doctors. Their role is to support their organisation to be the best possible working environment for SAS doctors. 

NHS Employers have created a useful infographic to demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of SAS advocates.

In addition, they have also created guidance in collaboration with the BMA to support employers and SAS advocates in their roles:


It is also important for the wellbeing of SAS and LEDs that they are provided with an appropriate induction. This is one of the recommendations in the SAS charter. Please see information on inductions here.
