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This page provides an introduction to the types of roles and career pathways available within O&G.

O&G holds a unique place in medicine when it comes to multi-professional working due to the close and interdependent relationship with midwives. You can also expect to be working with an array of other specialties, such as anaesthetics and the neonatal team, nurses, advanced clinical practioners, and physician associates. As well as these healthcare professionals, you will also work alongside support staff and non-clinical staff.

You can find out more information about multi-professional team working in chapter five of the RCOG Workforce Report.

In addition, if you are an international medical graduate (IMG), you can find out more about multidisciplinary working in O&G in section I of the NHS induction guide for IMGs. You may also find the BMA video series, “working effectively in a multidisciplinary team”, useful.


The O&G workforce is made up of doctors with a range of diverse experiences. We spoke with doctors in different roles, working in different locations, about why they chose to work in O&G.

Find out more

O&G doctor profiles

Find out more about the different experiences and potential career pathways within O&G


As a consultant, you could work across a range of clinical areas or you could choose to work purely in one field. 

Locally Employed doctors

LEDs are also known as Clinical Fellows, Teaching Fellows, Trust Doctors, Trust Registrars, and Trust SHOs

Foundation doctors

Find out more about the O&G opportunities available during the foundation programme 
