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Additional training roles

There are additional training roles outside of the specialty training (ST) programme which are available in the field of O&G. These include:

Locum appointment for training (LAT) posts

LAT posts are usually at ST3 level or above and normally require candidates to have passed the MRCOG Part 1 exam. These jobs generally last for 6–12 months, don’t carry an NTN but do provide training that can be accredited towards your CCT if you gain an NTN at a later date. These posts are typically only available in Scotland.

Doctors undertaking research posts

Some doctors will take time out of their clinical training to undertake research projects. You may be approached to enter into research studies and these would be carefully explained to you. It is vitally important that women are given the chance to participate in these studies which will lead to better care in the future. Doctors undertaking research will often follow a more academic career. This means that they will still look after patients, but will spend a significant part of their time teaching, lecturing and leading research projects.

Clinical attachments

It is still possible to come to the UK as a visitor without GMC registration if you can get a clinical attachment (observership). These generally last between 2–6 weeks and are usually unpaid. You will probably have to pay for your accommodation and for any checks of health status etc. If accepted, you would be there as an observer only and would not be permitted to treat any patients.

The RCOG does not arrange clinical attachments; you need to make arrangements directly with the hospital where you will be doing the attachment. We suggest that you write to the Clinical Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology asking if you can do an attachment. For a list of hospitals, please see the NHS hospital directory.

Many hospitals do not provide clinical attachments, so be prepared to try many hospitals before getting a positive response.

Medical Training Initiative (MTI) Scheme

The MTI scheme allows International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to come to the UK for a maximum of two years to train within the National Health Service (NHS). You can find out more about the RCOG MTI Scheme here.
