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Find out more about the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), how we support our members, and how we work towards our goal of improving women’s healthcare across the globe.

About the RCOG

The RCOG oversees the medical education, training and examination of postgraduate doctors specialising in O&G. While we do not provide training directly, we are responsible for the specialty training programme in O&G and the O&G curriculum. We also provide support to doctors in other roles working in O&G, such as consultants, specialty, associate specialist and specialist (SAS) doctors, and locally employed doctors (LEDs). Learn more about the different types of roles within O&G.

The RCOG runs exams, scientific courses, lectures, meetings and committees for postgraduate doctors and other health professionals who work or have an interest in women’s health. We aim to advance women’s healthcare across the world by setting clinical standards and promoting information on research and treatments to the public, along with the programmes run by the RCOG Centre for Women’s Global Health.

Find out more about the RCOG.

Being a member of the RCOG

Members of the RCOG have access to lifelong education and training. To gain full College membership and, if elected Fellowship, you need to pass the MRCOG exams and pay your annual fees. However, different types of College membership are available and anyone working in the field of, or considering a career in, O&G can benefit from a formal link to the College via one of these membership options. Find out more about the benefits of College membership here.

CPD and ongoing support

The RCOG is committed to providing and promoting opportunities for clinicians to focus on their continuing professional development (CPD) within O&G. A career in O&G is one of the most demanding in developing and maintaining clinical skills and advanced team working. The College continues to support its members at all stages of their career with its continuing professional development (CPD) programme and a range of member benefits. The College provides a variety of resources to support you, including courses and events, simulation training, eLearning and a range of benefits designed to support O&G trainees.

Supporting our doctors

Supporting the O&G workforce and ensuring doctors are equipped and supported to deliver the highest levels of care to women and girls is a key strategic priority for the RCOG. This is why we produced our Workplace Behaviour Toolkit and a wellbeing resources hub. If you are a doctor in training, you can also find additional advice on workplace issues here.
