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Key stakeholders

Explore the key professional bodies you'll interact with as you start your O&G career in the UK.

This page explains the different organisations and their requirements, as well as how they can support you.


The General Medical Council (GMC)

The National Health Service (NHS)

The British Medical Association (BMA)

The General Medical Council (GMC)

The GMC sets standards for professional values, knowledge, skills and behaviours of all doctors working in the UK. The GMC is responsible for registering doctors to practise medicine in the UK, regulating doctors and ensuring good medical practice.

GMC registration and identity check

GMC registration is mandatory for those who wish to provide direct patient care. Visit the GMC’s website to find information on registration, the application process, and completing a GMC identity check.

Additional GMC resources for IMGs

The National Health Service (NHS)

The NHS provides medical and health services to everyone in the UK. Funded through taxes, its services are accessible to all without direct patient charges.

The structure of the NHS

Healthcare through the NHS is provided in two ways:

  • Primary care is delivered by general practitioners (GPs) in the community. It’s not possible to get secondary care without initial referral from a GP, except for emergency treatment.
  • Secondary care is provided in a hospital setting. All referrals are made by a GP and each patient is allocated to a particular consultant (specialist) who will retain overall responsibility for that patient’s care until discharge.

NHS Medical Indemnity

As a doctor working in the UK, you are legally required to have adequate indemnity cover. Here are the NHS schemes for each region:

There are limits to NHS indemnity, and both the BMA and RCOG strongly recommend arranging personal cover:

Additional NHS Resources for IMGs

The British Medical Association (BMA)

The BMA is a trade union and professional body representing doctors in the UK. It offers resources and support on issues like pay, contracts, ethics, and career progression.

Visit the BMA’s section for international doctors for advice and resources.


Ready to Start Your Career?

Find more resources and support from the RCOG to help you navigate your journey in the UK O&G field.

Explore the RCOG Hub for IMGs