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Preparing for your move to the UK

On this page, we have put together a list of links and resources to help you prepare for the practical things you’ll need to consider before moving to the UK.


To gain information on the different types of visas, eligibility, and the application process, please follow the below GOV.UK website links:

Additional visa advice can be found at the below links:

GMC registration, licensing and identity check

GMC Registration is a requirement for all doctors wishing to practice in the UK. All doctors must be registered with a license to practice before they work in the UK. Please see the information on the GMC, including links on registration and identity checks.


For information and advice on applying for different roles within the O&G workforce, please see our dedicated section on recruitment. Please remember that international medical graduates will need the relevant visa to work in the UK.

Finding accommodation in the UK

Before you arrive in the UK, it is essential that you arrange either temporary or more permanent accommodation. This will be important for setting up a UK bank account and obtaining the National Insurance number through the post.

Check with Human Resources (HR) at your trust or health board to see if there is on-site hospital accommodation available. HR may also be able to recommend a particular estate agent or private housing organisation that can give priority assistance for you in securing accommodation.

The UK government website provides for a checklist for renting, and you may find the Post Office website helpful for additional information you may need to guide your accommodation search.

For confidential advice on consumer and housing issues in the UK, visit Citizens Advice.

Suggested important documentation:

  • Passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Visa vignette
  • Medical and vaccination history
  • Evidence of where you will be staying in the UK
  • Letter from Employing Body confirming offer of employment
  • Medical qualification certificates
  • Driving license (if applicable)

We recommend travelling with the original hard copies in your hand luggage to minimise the possibility of losing them.
