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Assessment and progression through training

Information for trainees about how their progress through training will be monitored and assessed.

Guidance for trainers about assessing their trainees is available in the Resources and support for trainers section of the site.

Training matrix

To ensure a consistent approach to assessment and progression through training, the RCOG has developed a training matrix of educational progression. The matrix provides guidance on all aspects of training, both clinical and non-clinical, for each year of training. Find out more about the Training Matrix.


All trainees must use the RCOG Training ePortfolio, which provides a comprehensive record of your training and documents your progression through the programme as you achieve the competencies set out in the curriculum. Access your ePortfolio

Induction and appraisal

You’ll have an induction at the start of each new training post and regular appraisals.
Find out more about induction and appraisal for trainees

ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression)

At the end of each year, your progression will be reviewed at an ARCP. You’ll be assessed against the matrix of educational progression to determine whether you can progress to the next year of training. Find out more about the ARCP.

Sign-off of competency acquisition

The ePortfolio uses a simple system to record the acquisition of clinical skills. Each module of the curriculum has specific training targets, and the final level of competence is reached in stages (levels 1–3).

Some competencies are marked for sign-off using ‘other methodologies’ (OM). Typically, these are rare conditions that aren’t commonly encountered in clinical practice. Find out more about sign-off using other methodologies

Other assessment tools

Workplace-based assessments (WPBAs)

Throughout your training, you’ll need to undertake a range of workplace-based assessments (WPBAs) to evaluate your progress. Find out more about WPBAs.

Feedback from colleagues

You’ll also need to collect feedback from your multi-disciplinary colleagues on an ongoing basis using the team observation (TO1 and TO2) forms. Find out more about feedback from colleagues and the team observation forms.

Recording experiences and development

In addition, you’ll need to record your experiences and development throughout training. This includes reflective practice, audits and research, publications and presentations, and keeping a log of your experiences. Find out more about how to record your development and experiences.

Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS)

NOTSS allows trainers to give feedback about non-technical aspects of performance, such as decision making, communication and leadership. Find out more about NOTSS.

Training evaluation form (TEF)

The training evaluation form (TEF) allows trainees to give direct feedback on their training, enabling the College to monitor and improve the quality of training. The TEF is a mandatory part of the matrix of education progression. Find out more about the TEF.
