Overview of the ARCP, including how to prepare, what to expect at the ARCP meeting, and possible ARCP outcomes.
Preparing for your ARCP
To prepare for your ARCP:
- You should ensure that you have achieved all the standards for your training year in the training matrix of educational progression to ensure satisfactory progress
- You and your Educational Supervisor need to meet to complete the Educational Supervisor’s Report together, to record your educational achievements and the competencies you have completed that year - these forms are in your ePortfolio
- Your Educational Supervisor will complete the structured reference section of the report and the TO2 form (a summary of your TO1, or team observation, forms)
- You must also complete the Trainee Evaluation Form on your ePortfolio
ARCP and revalidation
For information on how revalidation affects the ARCP process, please visit the revalidation for trainees section of the site.
The ARCP meeting
The ARCP is a formal meeting, but the ARCP panel will be understanding. There will be at least three panel members, who will be appointed by the deanery’s Specialty Training Committee or equivalent group. Either your Postgraduate Dean (or deputy) or a Training Programme Director must be on the panel. Other possible panel members are the chair of the Specialty Training Committee, an RCOG representative, an Educational Supervisor or an Associate Director/Dean. There may also be a lay representative.
For academic trainees (where an annual academic assessment outcome is also required), in addition to the standard ARCP panel members there should be two academic representatives, neither of whom should have been involved in the trainee’s academic programme. For more information, please read the guidance on the annual academic review process.
The panel will have access to your ePortfolio and any other documentation you have provided. If you have not met some of your targets, you will need to provide a reasonable explanation and provide evidence of how you plan to rectify the situation and make progress.
Your evidence must be comprehensive and your documentation should outline audits and projects in detail.
How to ensure progression to the next training year
Failure to achieve learning targets and a poor attitude are common reasons for failure to progress, but a lack of collated evidence is another. To ensure progression:
- Use the RCOG’s matrix of educational progression as a guide
- Set a good plan, and keep planning
- Review targets frequently
- Ensure you collate evidence throughout the year – do not leave it until the last minute
- Keep a record of your development and experiences – keeping regular reflective notes of experiences will be invaluable throughout your career
- Keep up to date with workplace-based assessments (WPBAs) – undertake them periodically to demonstrate progression; remember there is no such thing as a ‘failed’ WPBA (each assessment is useful to you and your assessor whether you have shown complete competence or not)
- Keep your evidence and documentation well-ordered – like patient records, training documentation is an official record
- Take your training seriously – be professional and conscientious
ARCP outcomes
Your ARCP panel will issue one of the following outcomes:
- Outcome 1: if the evidence provided at your ARCP is satisfactory, the panel will recommend outcome 1, indicating successful transition to the next training year
- Outcome 2: if there are any deficiencies in your training or areas of poor performance, the panel will recommend outcome 2, which is a recommendation for targeted training to help you address these issue; if you complete this targeted training successfully, there will be no delay to your progression to CCT
- Outcome 3: if the panel identifies that you require a formal additional period of training that will extend the duration of your training programme, they will recommend an outcome
- Outcome 4: if there is still insufficient and sustained lack of progress despite having had up to 1 year of additional training to address concerns over progress, the panel will recommend outcome 4, which would release you from the training programme
The ARCP panel will issue an appropriate Annual Assessment Outcome Form and this will be available on your ePortfolio.
Your final ARCP
Within 6 months of your anticipated CCT date, you will be called for your final ARCP, which will review the entirety of your training. Subject to satisfactory completion, you will be issued with an outcome 6 and can apply for your CCT.
For information on the CCT application process, please visit the certification of training section of the site.
Find out more
More information about the ARCP process, panel and outcomes is available in the COPMed Gold Guide.

MRCOG exams
Information on how to prepare for the Part 1 and Part 2 MRCOG

The complete specialty training curriculum for O&G – core, ultrasound, ATSMs, subspecialty and academic