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Training data analysis 2021

The key areas targeted for more detailed analysis in the 2021 round are listed below.

These reports were also considered by the relevant educational committees in the College.

Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on training (PDF)

Analysis by Dr Sophie Relph (Vice Chair, National Trainees’ Committee), Dr Heidi Stelling (Chair, National Trainees’ Committee), Mr Ian Aird (Head of School)

Curriculum 2019, including educational supervision (PDF)

Analysis by Miss Simi Bansal (Vice Chair, National Trainees’ Committee), Dr Lina Antoun (ST7), Dr Elisabeth Peregrine (Educational Supervisor Champion), Mr Alec McEwan (Chair, Curriculum Committee)

Gynaecology Training (PDF)

Analysis by Dr Emily Wright (ST5), Mrs Sarah Reynolds (Chair, Equivalence Committee)

Subspecialty Training

Analysis Dr Jane Currie (Subspecialty Trainee Representatives on Subspecialty Committee), Miss Karen Guerrero (Chair, Subspecialty Committee), Mr Andrew Drakeley (Vice Chair, Subspecialty Committee)

Differential Attainment (PDF)

Analysis by Dr Lydia Akinola (BMA Representative, National Trainees’ Committee), Mr Rehan Khan (Differential Attainment Adviser)

Workplace Behaviour (PDF)

Analysis by Dr Sarah Quinn (Vice Chair, National Trainees’ Committee), Dr Ellen Knox (Workplace Behaviour Adviser)

