The mini-CEX (mini clinical evaluation exercise) is one of the workplace-based assessment tools (WPBAs) used in O&G training.
eLearning materials
- WPBA eTutorial
- Best practice demonstrations of workplace-based assessments
- NOTSS (Non-technical Skills for Surgeons) resource
- Giving effective feedback in training videos
Skills assessed using the mini-CEX
The mini-CEX is a generic tool that is used to test many different and varied competences. The curriculum lists the competences that can be tested using the mini-CEX.
Trainers will use the mini-CEX to directly assess trainees in:
- History-taking
- Clinical examination
- Formulating management plans
- Communicating with patients
- Professional and interpersonal skills
Each mini-CEX should take around 20 minutes. The trainer should provide feedback to the trainee immediately after the assessment.
Trainees should organise mini-CEX assessments with a range of trainers.
Number of mini-CEX
The training matrix of educational progression details the minimum number of mini-CEXs you will need to complete each year.
Mini-CEX forms
You can find the mini-CEX forms in your ePortfolio, or download the forms below:

The complete specialty training curriculum for O&G – core, ultrasound, ATSMs, subspecialty and academic

MRCOG exams
Information on how to prepare for the Part 1 and Part 2 MRCOG