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CCT guidance and FAQs

GMC change of policy regarding the Combined Programme

From 1 January 2021, in line with changes relating to Brexit, the minimum duration of training time was removed by the GMC. All doctors registered in the training programme can be recommended for a CCT, pending approval.

The GMC has also advised that we should be moving towards competency based progression so that completion of training is based on acquisition of competences/capabilities. This applies to all trainees (run through, combined programme & subspecialty).

RCOG has developed some guidance around these policies as set out below:

Definition of run through training

Appointed at ST1, running through from ST1-7. Eligible to apply for a CCT.

Definition of combined programme

Appointed above ST1 and has accrued relevant O&G experience through a combination of both GMC approved and non-GMC approved posts (overseas/UK posts). Eligible to apply for a CCT. 

Outcome based programme

Changes in legislation have resulted in changes to GMC regulations and the removal of minimum training times. This allows greater flexibility to support outcome based curricula.

Trainees who meet the curriculum outcomes more quickly, as assessed through the ARCP, may be able to progress through training and have their CCT date brought forward.

Process for bringing forward CCT date

  • Requests must have the support of the Head of School and Training Programme Director
  • Requests to accelerate CCT date must be made at least three months in advance of the scheduled ARCP date. Requests to accelerate training can be made at any time during training
  • Trainees who entered through the combined pathway must be in programme for 12 months to enable trainers to gain an overview of the doctor’s skills and to allow the trainee time to demonstrate skills and accrue evidence.
  • ARCP panels should be informed of the request to ensure the trainee is assessed against the correct matrix requirements
  • ARCP panels should include external and lay representation
  • Once agreed locally, the Head of School should inform RCOG Education Team and SEAC Chair
  • Once a CCT date has been accelerated the trainee does not have the option to go back to the original CCT date

Process for bringing forward subspecialty training completion date 

  • Requests to accelerate completion of subspecialty training must be made at least three months in advance of the scheduled centralised assessment date
  • Requests must have the support of the Subspecialty Training Programme Director, Head of School and Training Programme Director
  • Subspecialty assessment panel should be informed of the request to ensure trainee is assessed against the correct matrix requirements
  • Once agreed locally, Head of School and subspecialty training programme supervisor should inform and Chair of Subspecialty Committee


How do I apply for a CCT

Please see our main page on Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).

Who’s eligible to apply for a CCT

Doctors who have been appointed to the training programme (either at ST1 or above ST1), have met the curriculum requirements and have been issued with an Outcome 6.

I am not in the training programme but have undertaken over seven years of O&G LAT posts – can I apply for a CCT

To be eligible to apply for a CCT, you must be registered in the specialty training programme. Doctors who have accrued training through LAT posts alone would not be eligible to apply for a CCT but may be eligible apply for specialist registration via the Portfolio Pathway  route .

What’s meant by a ‘non-GMC approved post’

Non-GMC-approved posts are posts that have not been formally educationally approved by the GMC. These may include LAS (locum appointment for service), staff grade, clinical fellow, and overseas posts.

Are training posts in EEA countries recognised by the GMC

Please refer to the guidance on the GMC website.

How much time spent in non-GMC approved posts can I count towards my training?

The amount of time spent in non-GMC-approved posts may vary from as little as 3–6 months in basic training to several years of experience in countries outside the UK. Your School/Deanery will need to assess whether your previous experience is suitable to count towards specialist registration.

Can additional non-GMC approved time be recognised once I have been appointed to the programme:

As the training programme is competency based there is flexibility to accelerate to a higher training level and make a request for your CCT date to be brought forward (see process above).

I have completed my training through the Combined Programme – can this be converted to a CCT?

Please see details on the GMC website for Retrospective granting of CCT to doctors granted a CESR through the combined programme.



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