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The toolkit is comprised of 8 modules, and designed to be user-centred.

It includes tools to:

  • support the development of positive workplace culture
  • support you when you encounter poor workplace behaviours
  • strengthen your skills and confidence in 'speaking up'
  • promote an understanding of what poor workplace behaviour looks like and its impact on individuals, teams, organisations and importantly the women and families we care for.

About this toolkit

This resource was developed in collaboration with RCOG, Royal College of Midwives, Civility Saves Lives and Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.


You can view an introduction to the toolkit from lead authors, Dr Sarah Quinn and Dr Ellen Knox below. Please note, this was recorded as part of a webinar for RCOG members in July 2021.


The RCOG and RCM would like to thank those who contributed to the creation of this toolkit, and all those who have shared their real-life experiences with us.

Contact us

Thank you for visiting our Workplace Behaviour Toolkit, we hope you find it useful. If you have any questions or feedback about the toolkit, please contact .

