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Developing a Return to Work course


Who should the course be aimed at?

Any doctor (e.g. doctors in training, SAS doctor, LE doctor, consultant) who is returning to clinical practice after a three months or more away from Obstetrics and Gynaecology for any reason.

What should the course involve?

  • An update in the latest developments in O&G over the last 12 months
  • A chance to refresh Labour Ward and Acute Gynaecology skills and drills
  • Smaller ‘breakout sessions’ to suit a doctor’s particular needs, e.g. LTFT working, work-life balance, maintaining research momentum
  • Networking opportunity to meet others who are in the same situation.

Summary of developing a Return to Work course

Objectives of the course

  • To refresh knowledge of O&G doctors returning to acute clinical practice after a period away from clinical practice for any reason
  • To build clinical confidence and reassure regarding returning to work in a relaxed, supportive environment

To build peer support systems through networking opportunities

Course materials

  • Cover topics most relevant to delegates’ concerns, e.g. CTG refresher, Clinical updates, ePortfolio, work-life balance, LTFT, maintaining research momentum, simulation and skills and drills training
  • Provide information as a mixture of presentations, workshops, simulation and skills drills
  • Provide opportunity to complete workplace based assessments if doctor wishes
  • Proposed course programme


  • Q&A with faculty
  • Evaluation and Feedback
  • Certificate of attendance