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MTI resources

Information and resources for trainees and hospitals already involved with the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) scheme.

General resources

Resources for doctors currently in the UK on the MTI scheme

MTI Booklet for new starters

The MTI booklet (PDF 396kb) contains advice for new doctors joining the scheme.

Find out about the ways of adjusting to a new working environment, living in the UK and tips from previous MTI trainees on how to deal with problems you may encounter.

Preparing for MTI – experiences of an MTI Doctor

Dr Prashida Guha Sarkar is an MTI trainee at James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, who commenced in post October 2018.

She has put together a useful article (PDF 225kb) sharing her experiences of preparing for MTI and settling into working and living in the UK over the past year.

Relocation guide

The Relocation guide (May 2018) (PDF 1.3mb) is created by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges which gives international doctors participating in the MTI scheme general advice about moving to the UK.

The guide is not exhaustive but it does cover some of the key things that you will need to arrange and may find useful to know when you move to the UK. It contains generic information which aims to cover all of your needs and those of your family (if applicable).

AoMRC Medical Training Initiative Guide

The MTI Guide 2017 (PDF 3mb) is created by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.

This report includes important information about the operation of the MTI scheme, processes involved and crucial FAQs.

Guidance for MTI doctors

If you start to experience some issues within your placement the RCOG can offer pastoral support and guidance.

Support for MTI doctors from Sri Lanka

If you are from Sri Lanka, you can now contact the RCOG Sri Lanka Liaison Group Trainee Committee.

This group has produced a small booklet for Sri Lankan MTI trainees and also offers a network system which allows you to contact a UK trainee at any time to talk about life in UK hospitals and other training issues.

If you are interested, please contact the RCOG Membership Team at 


Please read the frequently asked questions for people on MTI placements on the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) website.

Useful websites

There are several websites which may be helpful for MTI doctors:
