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RCOG Learning

Develop your core knowledge and skills on the RCOG Learning platform. Get tutorials covering the MRCOG curriculum, as well as resources for your continuing professional development (CPD). 


In this section, you’ll find everything you need to know about the GMC approved, postgraduate specialty training curriculum in obstetrics and gynaecology.

Resources and support for trainers

We’ve collated the following resources to help our educators as they learn and deliver the O&G training curriculum. Get expert advice and support on becoming a successful trainer.

Resources & support for trainees

For healthcare professionals training with the RCOG, these resources and materials will help to support you through our O&G programme. Find all the information you need right here.

CPD and revalidation

Resources to support doctors through revalidation, CPD and appraisal

Guidelines and research services

Resources to support you in your clinical practice
