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Information for speakers and chairs

Information, forms, documents required to speak or chair at an RCOG event

Booking your travel

  • All travel must be in line with the RCOG’s travel policy.
  • All travel should be booked as far in advance as possible using Key Travel, the College’s appointed travel agent.
  • All rail and air travel, excluding multi-destination flights, should be booked online using Key Travel’s online booking tool.
  • You can view a video guide (mp4 video) to using Key Travel’s online booking tool.

If you have not used the online tool to book travel on RCOG business before, the RCOG Events Team will advise how to create an account.

For any queries about existing bookings or complex travel requirements please contact:

Tel: 020 7843 9663: 8.45am-5.30pm Mon-Fri and 9.00am-1.00pm Sat
24-hour emergency helpline: 020 7843 9602

It will be the responsibility of the individual travelling to contact Key Travel to make their own travel arrangements. When booking, please advise Key Travel of the meeting/event being attended, the date and, if known, the member of staff at the RCOG responsible for its organisation.

Any individual wishing to make their own travel arrangements should first contact Key Travel in order to obtain their ‘best price’. The College will only reimburse travel expenses up to the amount quoted by Key Travel. Expense forms must have attached to them supporting documentation, e.g. the actual train tickets or a receipt from the train company/copy of airline ticket etc., together with the quote obtained from Key Travel (if using a different supplier).

To avoid the flat rate charge that Key Travel levies on connecting trains to / from London airports, in these cases the preferred option is direct booking and submission of an expense claim.

To set up an account to book travel for the RCOG through the Key Travel online tool, please email , providing the below information:

  • Access required to RCOG Members & Reps area
  • Traveller name:
  • Traveller email address:
  • Traveller phone number:

This will allow your account to be verified. You will receive a confirmation email from Key Travel when your account is active for bookings.

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If you wish to claim expenses after the event please use the speaker expenses form. All forms must be received within 3 months of the event. Read the RCOG travel policy for further details.

If you are claim back your travel for London Underground using a contactless credit/debit card, you can register your card via the TfL Oyster and contactless app and request a receipt or alternatively you can send us a screen shot of your bank statement.

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Guidance for speakers and chairs

General information

Conflicts of interest

If you have any conflicts of interest, please declare by inserting a slide before the start of your talk. If you have no conflicts of interest, please declare ‘Conflicts of interest – none’.

Presentation slides

Please use the RCOG PowerPoint template (PowerPoint 1.10mb) for your presentation slides. If you wish to use your own template, could you ensure that the PowerPoint slide size is 16:9 (wide) so that this can be compactable with our new projection screens.  


In light of the RCOG's environmental policy, the College no longer distributes hard-copy conference documentation to delegates. Instead, we make speaker presentations available online to delegates for 12 months following the event, where the speaker has granted permission.

Copyright and permissions

Read the answers to frequently asked questions about copyright and permissions.

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Travel insurance

The College has travel insurance in place to cover those travelling on College business.

Please read the travel insurance policy (PDF 75kb), and note the contact details and information required in case of an emergency.

As part of RCOG’s travel insurance, we have access to a database which can advise travellers of the level of risk in any destinations they are travelling to on our behalf. To access the database, log in, or regsiter at using the CHUBB access code 7796.

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Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the member of RCOG staff responsible for organising the event you’re speaking at or chairing. Alternatively, you can contact the Events Team on +44 20 7772 6245 or .
