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Guidance for chairs

Details for anyone acting as chair at an RCOG event.

The chair has a very important role in ensuring a successful meeting, and we would be grateful for your help in the following ways:

  • Your primary role is to coordinate the session that you’re chairing. Please read through the outline of the whole meeting, and in particular the session for which you’re responsible.
  • Please agree with the lecturers beforehand how you will signal that they’ve approached their time limit, and the action you will take when the lecture needs to be finished.
  • Sessions that over-run not only cause catering problems, but also problems for delegates who have work commitments or who have made transport arrangements.
  • The lectern holds a fixed microphone that will be operated by an audiovisual technician as necessary. Table microphones are also operated by the technician and are set up for seated speakers and/or panel discussion. Their position does not need to be altered for optimum performance.
  • The theatre lighting will be operated by an audiovisual technician throughout the conference, including dimming the lights for speaker presentations.
  • The technician can hear you normally through the public address system at all times for any requests.
  • Conference staff may ask you to make some housekeeping announcements during your session. A sheet with these announcements will be available to collect with your name badge at the conference registration desk when you arrive.  These announcements may include:
    • Please encourage all attendees to complete the feedback form which will be emailed to them after the conference. 
    • Please inform delegates that certificates of attendance will be available to download from the RCOG website after the conference. Further details will beavailable in their delegate pack.
  • In accordance with the RCOG’s environmental policy, we’re moving away from paper documentation and instead are making PDF versions of presentations available to delegates to access from the RCOG website after the event. We require the speakers to tick a form to say they are happy with this, so we may ask your assistance in getting hold of speakers.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the member of RCOG staff responsible for the event you’re chairing. Alternatively, you can contact the Events team on +44 20 7772 6245 or .
