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RCOG webinars

Our webinar series provides a unique insight into the latest hot topics and clinical issues in women’s health. They are free to attend, open to all and delivered by speakers from across the globe.

Details on upcoming webinars are listed below, and new webinars will be added on a regular basis. You can also find recordings of previous webinars that are available to watch on demand.

Upcoming webinars

We are pleased to confirm the following topics that will be featured in our 2025 webinar programme. Full details, including exact dates, speakers, and registration information, will be shared once confirmed.

Confirmed topics:

  • May 2025 | Maternal Medicine
  • September 2025 | Gynae cancer vaccination
  • November 2025 | Assisted conception

Joint Honorary Webinar Convenors

  • Miss Nadia Amokrane MRCOG, Surrey
  • Miss Aslı Üçyiğit MRCOG, Surrey