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Intrapartum fetal heart monitoring: getting it right (part 2)

Date: Wednesday 12 July 2023


Intrapartum fetal heart monitoring is the standard of care for women in labour in the UK and many other countries. However, it frequently falls short, especially due to inaccurate interpretation of CTG. This can lead to either adverse outcomes (including stillbirths, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy and neonatal deaths) or unnecessary unwarranted interventions in labour. In both circumstances, the mental and physical health of the mother could be potentially harmed.

Several reports have raised concerns about maternity safety in the UK; some of these concerns were related to fetal heart monitoring. 

The primary aim of this webinar is to educate healthcare professionals in maternity services on accurate interpretation of intrapartum CTG in order to reduce adverse outcomes and avoid medicolegal litigation.

As a global organisation, it is paramount that the RCOG is actively involved in conducting and educating healthcare professionals globally on the interpretation of CTG. Correct interpretation of CTG will go a long way in achieving goals as recommended by Each Baby Counts progress report.

Why attend? 

  • Update your knowledge of fetal heart monitoring and CTG interpretation
  • Improve your awareness of similarities and differences among the national and international guidelines
  • Better understanding of the medicolegal aspects of CTG interpretation
  • Update your knowledge of the latest technology in fetal heart monitoring, including strengths and limitations
  • Learn about quality improvement initiatives related to fetal heart monitoring

Who should attend?

  • All clinicians in obstetrics and gynaecology
  • SAS and LE doctors
  • Clinical governance and patient safety leads 
  • Midwives
  • Obstetric anaesthetists 

Contact us

For any queries, regarding this event please contact:
