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Recent updates in reproductive medicine

Date: Wednesday 22 March 2023


Fertility-related issues are one of the most common problems in gynaecology clinics. Both before and after successful fertility treatment, women will need appropriate obstetric care. Yet, reproductive medicine remains a specialised area of clinical practice in O&G. To ensure patients get the care they need from healthcare professionals, it is crucial that all obstetricians and gynaecologists are updated on the latest developments in reproductive medicine.

To help healthcare professionals stay up to date, the RCOG is hosting this webinar in association with the British Fertility Society. Leading experts will address some of the common challenges and frequently asked questions across the specialty.  

Topics explored include managing ovarian hyperstimulation, male factor subfertility and fertility preservation in young girls diagnosed with cancer, along with pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy.

Why attend

  • Listen to experts on this common and important topic in obstetrics and gynaecology
  • Understand the management of ovarian hyperstimulation
  • Improve knowledge and awareness of male factor infertility
  • Update knowledge about pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy
  • Broaden understanding of the strategies of fertility preservation in young girls
  • Participate in interactive panel discussion session with experts

Who should attend

  • All clinicians in obstetrics and gynaecology
  • SAS and LE doctors
  • Fertility specialists
  • Fertility nurses
  • General practitioners
  • Service users
  • Sonographers with a special interest in fertility management