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Abstract submission guidance

Below you will find important information that supported everyone who submitted their work

Abstract submission categories

We were delighted to receive over 2,000 abstract submissions in 29 different categories for this year’s Congress. 75 countries were represented, making this a truly global experience for anyone who registers.

You can discover all categories below:

Abortion care Hot topics (emerging research/issues) in obstetrics Post reproductive health
Adolescent gynaecology Imaging in gynaecology Quality improvement
Advances in prenatal diagnosis Imaging in obstetrics Reproductive medicine/assisted reproduction
Benign gynaecology Innovation Risk management
Early pregnancy complications and gynaecology Labour ward management Sexual health and contraception
Endometriosis and uterine disorders Lifestyle medicine in women's health Simulation and training
Fetal medicine Maternal medicine Telemedicine
Gynae oncology Medical education Urogynaecology/pelvic floor
High-risk pregnancy Obesity Women's health and policies
Hot topics (emerging research/issues) in gynaecology Pandemic and impact of Covid-19/infectious diseases   

Key information

  • Abstract title: The title has a maximum word limit of 12 words and must be brief, informative and concise
  • Special symbols and formatting should be used sparingly
  • Tables and images cannot be included in your abstract
  • Authors: Please enter your name and ALL authors in the order and the form you wish them to appear in the final Congress programme. Names omitted here will NOT be shown in the final programme. Please note that only named authors are permitted to present
  • All authors will be asked to undertake that:
    • Their name is NOT currently removed from a medical register nor do they have any restrictions placed against their name by a medical regulator in any country
    • Presenting authors will inform the RCOG if, before Congress, their name is removed from a medical register or they have any restrictions placed against their name by a medical regulator in any country. The RCOG reserves the right to withdraw presentations in such cases
  • Maximum number of words: The abstract text should have a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 400 words
  • Please use the paragraph titles below in your abstract or case study. Please do not use variations on these headings so that we can standardise the abstracts

Please include the following headings

  • Objective: State the primary objective of the paper and the major hypothesis tested or research question posed
  • Design: Describe the design of the study and the rationale for the procedures adopted.
  • Method: Describe how participants were selected and the number of participants (if documentary data used, state how these were selected), materials employed (if appropriate), methods of data collection and analysis
  • Results: Include numerical and/or textual data. This should be kept to a minimum and should not include tables or figures. For qualitative analyses briefly describe your findings (e.g. identified themes, categories).
  • Conclusions: State the conclusions that can be drawn from the study (including for future research, practice, policy and/or theory)

For a case report submission, please include the following headings

  • Objective: state why this case is reported (what is special about it)
  • Case report: Briefly describe the case
  • Discussion: Briefly discuss the implication of this case on practice
  • Conclusions: State the conclusions that can be drawn from the study (including for future research, practice, policy and/or theory)

Further information

  • If you wish to include key words and references; they must be included in the body of your text and within the 400-word count
  • Abbreviations should be spelt out, in parenthesis, in their first use in the abstract
  • If your abstract has been accepted for an oral presentation, poster presentation or poster then at least one of the named authors will need to register and pay the Congress registration fee in full by Monday 24 April 2023 for the abstract to be presented
  • We do not accept previously published work or work that will be published before Congress taking place
  • The scientific committee reserves the right to reject any submission

Further reading

Please read our Abstract Submission FAQs before submitting your abstract.

Abstract authors must also register for Congress

Submitting an abstract does not automatically register you as a Congress delegate.

Authors must register by the original early bird deadline (Monday 24 April 2023).

If the named abstract presenter has not registered for the Congress by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn.

Contact us

View FAQs and contact the team by phone, live chat and email via our dedicated help centre.
