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With 93% of delegates agreeing Congress 2022 met ALL their personal development needs, there is something for everyone.

We adapt the format each year based on delegate feedback and continue to provide innovative and flexible ways of ensuring our programme delivers the highest quality and value for money.

What to expect

  • Keynote lectures on the biggest topics in global women's health
  • Unique collection of world-class international speakers
  • Five parallel streams across three-days
  • Sponsored symposiums
  • Interactive sessions with opportunity for delegate questions
  • Oral presentations from the leaders of tomorrow

Dedicated specialist streams

With five parallel streams covering the entire spectrum of women’s health, you can personalise your enhanced learning experience to your educational needs. There are over 25 specialist areas at RCOG 2023 and the full programme will be available soon:

Abortion care Hot topics (emerging research/issues) in obstetrics Post reproductive health
Adolescent gynaecology Imaging in gynaecology Quality improvement
Advances in prenatal diagnosis Imaging in obstetrics Reproductive medicine/assisted reproduction
Benign gynaecology Innovation Risk management
Early pregnancy complications and gynaecology Labour ward management Sexual health and contraception
Endometriosis and uterine disorders Lifestyle medicine in women's health Simulation and training
Fetal medicine Maternal medicine Telemedicine
Gynae oncology Medical education Urogynaecology/pelvic floor
High-risk pregnancy Obesity Women's health and policies
Hot topics (emerging research/issues) in gynaecology Pandemic and impact of Covid-19/infectious diseases   

Post-event access

All delegates, including post-event registration, will enjoy access to all content for up to six months post-event. Not only does this offer excellent value for money, it also means you won’t miss out due to a programme clash. You are in control of your learning and take full advantage of hours of content at a time, and in place that suits you.
