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Abstracts are an integral part of RCOG World Congress and provide a platform for doctors globally, and all career stages, to showcase their unique work. 

In 2023, our World Congress saw 54% of all delegates submit an abstract. Top reasons to submit a poster that delegates mentioned were: 

  • Boost their CV and professional profile 
  • Publish new research 
  • Be featured in the BJOG supplement 

BJOG Supplement

As part of the RCOG World Congress 2024 in London, we are delighted to introduce a special edition of BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, dedicated to the most innovative and impactful research presented at the event. 


Explore the inspiring collection of ePosters submitted for the RCOG World Congress 2024, featuring cutting-edge research and innovative clinical practices from around the world. 

Types of presentation

Find out more about the different types of presentations available and information for successful authors to upload their ePosters

Abstract FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about submitting and presenting your abstract 

Tips for submitting an abstract

Ranee Thakar and Dudley Robinson discuss advice and tips on how you can submit a good abstract, and why you should take part in World Congress 2024.


The extended deadline for submissions was Monday 15 April 2024 23:59 UK time.


There is no charge for submitting an abstract, however all successful authors will need to register to attend the Congress in order to present. Should your abstract be accepted as an ePoster for inclusion within the programme, there will be a nominal fee per ePoster upload in order to be included within the Congress. Full instructions on ePoster submission will be given upon acceptance. 

Please remember

Submitting an abstract does not automatically register you as a Congress delegate. Authors must register by the early bird deadline, Monday 15 July 2024. If the main abstract presenter has not registered for the Congress by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn.

Key dates

Extended abstract submission deadline

Monday 15 April 2024 23:59 UK time

Abstract author notifications

Friday 14 June 2024

Early bird registration deadline

Monday 15 July 2024

ePoster submission deadline

Wednesday 25 September 2024

RCOG World Congress

Tuesday 15 - Thursday 17 October 2024

Please always use the official RCOG World Congress website for registrations, abstract submissions or travel recommendations. Be aware that there are unofficial websites in circulation who the RCOG has no affiliation with and the RCOG cannot honour any bookings made through these websites.
