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Abstract prizes and awards

Sir William Gilliatt Awards

Through the generosity of The Sir William Gilliatt Memorial Fund, we are delighted to announce that the RCOG Sir William Gilliatt Awards, first introduced in 2013, will again be presented at the RCOG World Congress 2024.

The object of the fund is to foster the aims of the College and in particular to encourage research in all aspects of obstetric and gynaecological medicine.

Highest scoring abstracts, presented in a plenary session

This prize is for the top three highest scoring abstracts, who will also present in a plenary session.

First prize: £400

Second prize: £300

Third prize: £200

Best overall oral presentation

This prize is for the highest scoring oral presentations overall*.

First prize: £300

Second prize: £200

Third prize: £100

*excluding the highest scoring abstract presented in the plenary session

Best oral presentation in sessions

This prize is for the highest scoring oral presentation in each session.

Prize: Certificate 

Best overall poster presentation

This prize is for the highest scoring poster presentations overall.

First prize: £125

Second prize: £100

Third prize: £75

Best poster presentation in sessions

This prize is for the highest scoring poster presentation in each session.

Prize: Certificate 

Best oral presentation by a trainee or student

This prize is for the highest scoring oral presentation given by a trainee or a medical student.

Prize: £200

Publication of abstracts in special BJOG supplement

Did you know the top 500 abstracts from work presented at the Congress will be published in a special World Congress online supplement of BJOG? With an impact factor of 6.531, BJOG is one of the most influential journals in women’s health.

If published in BJOG, your research will be discovered, worldwide:

  • 4.65+ million full text downloads per year
  • Impact Factor: 6.531/Top 10 OBGYN journal/Above-average proportion of papers with an altimetric score
  • All RCOG Fellows and Members across the world have access to BJOG
  • Additional subscriptions span many more countries
  • Over 40,000+ followers across social media
  • Regular press releases and coverage


Key dates

Extended abstract submission deadline

Monday 15 April 2024 23:59 UK time

Abstract author notifications

Friday 14 June 2024

Early bird registration deadline

Monday 15 July 2024

ePoster submission deadline

Wednesday 25 September 2024

RCOG World Congress

Tuesday 15 - Thursday 17 October 2024
