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The Omani Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OSOG) is a non-profit organisation which was founded in June 2013 under the umbrella of the Oman Medical Association (OMA).

OSOG is working towards advocating and promoting women's health and reproductive rights using scientific evidence and following the highest ethical standards through its membership of committed professionals in Oman. 

The main objectives of OSOG are to: 

  • Encourage dissemination of knowledge and education as well as research in the field of O&G in Oman 
  • Promote preventive and therapeutic services related to healthcare of women and newborn 
  • Advocate for the reproductive and sexual health and rights of women in Oman 
  • Support co-operation with organisations relevant to the society, the government and institutions of higher learning 
  • Affiliate with international organisations involved with O&G 

The RCOG would also like to thank the following organisations for their support in planning this event:

Oman Ministry of Heritage and Tourism

Oman Tourism 

Oman Ministry of Health

Oman Medical Association 

Sultan Qaboos University

Oman Air
