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RCOG World Congress 2025 prize draw terms and conditions

Prize draw

This RCOG World Congress 2025 competition runs between midnight on Saturday 15 March 2025 to 11.59pm on Monday 31 March 2025 (UK time) and you will need to have registered and paid for your registration within these dates in order to be entered into the prize draw to win a free place at the RCOG World Congress 2025. The prize draw will take place and the winner will be contacted by end of April 2025. The Congress organisers will then refund the registration fee back to the winner. 

General registration terms and conditions



The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) is the host of the RCOG World Congress 2025 to be held 23-25 June 2025 at ExCeL London and has entrusted Rapier Design Ltd (Rapiergroup) as the Professional Congress Organiser (PCO) with the organisation and implementation of the event. RCOG and/or Rapiergroup are referred to each as ”Organiser” or all together as “Organisers”.

Rapiergroup is responsible for Congress services such as, but not limited to, registration services, hotel accommodation, sponsorship opportunities, abstract management, exhibition management, etc.

General terms and conditions for registration 

These general terms and conditions apply to all Congress registrations and all participants registered for the Congress are bound by these Terms and Conditions. Any registered person is considered a participant. These terms and conditions are also binding on all group registrations.

Congress registration 

The registration deadlines are as follows: 

  • Early bird registration closes: Monday 28 April 2025, midnight, UK time
  • Standard registration: from Tuesday 29 April – Friday 20 June 2025, midnight, UK time 
    Onsite registration: from Saturday 21 June - Wednesday 25 June 2025

Only fully completed registration forms will be accepted. The registration fee is based on the date of the receipt of the registration form in accordance with the deadlines mentioned above. The online registration can be completed by clicking the button “Submit” which can be found at the end of the form. Should one deadline be missed, the next applicable fee will be charged automatically. The registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment in full.

If the maximum participant capacity is reached, the Organiser reserves the right to refuse any registration. Only registered participants will be permitted access to the Congress. The minimum age to register for participation is 18 years. Participants may be asked to present an official identity card stating their age.

The registration fees can be found on the official website

The registration fee includes full three-day programme over 90 hours of CPD content, six months access post event to speaker recordings (subject to speaker consent), access to a state-of-the-art convention and exhibition centre, a drinks reception for all delegates, admission to all sessions, the exhibition area, the poster area, lunch and refreshments across all three days and access to the exclusive Congress app.

To participate at the medical student rate, proof of full-time enrolment at an accredited university or college must be uploaded during registration. (valid student ID or official letter from the university).

To participate at the trainee rate, proof that you are a trainee at a recognised educational institution must be uploaded during registration. For UK-based trainees, please provide your National Training Number (NTN) as proof of your trainee status.

Press registration  

To register as a media representative, please email and submit your official press card for accreditation approval. There is no registration fee for accredited media representatives.

Group registration

Group registrations will be accepted for a minimum of 2 participants. There will be no refund for badges which were paid for, but not used (according to the deadlines mentioned above). The deadline for group bookings is Friday 13 June 2025, midnight, UK time.   After the group registration deadline, group registrations are only possible on-site. Only fully completed group registration forms (including the participants full name, individual email and postal address) will be accepted. If you are registering on behalf of someone else, it’s implied that you have their consent. The Organisers cannot be held responsible for double bookings of an individual participant or group made by another company or organisation.

Fake websites

Delegates should be aware of the possible existence of fake websites using similar names to the College website. The Organisers cannot be held responsible for any registrations, accommodation booking or any other purchase made through any other website than the College website and will not be responsible for any costs or damages arising from such activity.  No such attempted registration will be valid, and the Organisers will not allow access to the Congress in such event.

Methods of payment 

Payment is required at the time of registration and is due in £ UK Pounds sterling, using one of the following methods:

  1. Debit/Credit card - Visa, AMEX or MasterCard are accepted. Credit cards are debited in £ Sterling. This is our preferred method of payment and is the quickest and easiest way to pay. 
  2. Bank transfer – If selecting ‘Pay by BACS/money transfer’ an invoice will be issued by email. Payments by bank transfer must be made within 30 days (one month) of registration, after this date, if payment is not received, the registration will be cancelled. Please note that ALL transfer costs, including any bank fees must be prepaid by the participant.

Account name: RCOG Conference
Sort code: 20-36-47
Account No: 73793001                                              
Reference: Participant name, Participant ID number, Congress 2025

Confirmation/payment receipt  

An email confirmation will be sent once Rapiergroup has received the fully completed registration form. Once full payment is received, a payment receipt will also be issued by email.

General information

Visas for UK Entry

It is the sole responsibility of the participant to take care of their visa requirements. Any participant requiring an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application process. Visas can be applied for up to 3 months in advance and we strongly recommend you allow the full amount of time. Full details of UK Visa requirements can be found on the UK government website:

The Organisers cannot take responsibility for declined visa applications, or applications not processed in time, for delegates to attend in person. Please note that the UK has recently introduced an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) for some countries.  

Letter of invitation

Individuals requiring an official letter of invitation to apply for a visa can request one during their registration.  To receive a letter of invitation, participants must first register for the Congress and submit payment in full.  Only registered delegates will be eligible to receive a letter, not accompanying persons.  The letter of invitation does not create any financial or other obligations on the Organisers in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the Congress are the sole responsibility of the participant.  The Organisers do not guarantee the success of any letter of invitation in obtaining a visa.

Visa rejection

If your visa was applied for in good time (3 months before travel) and is rejected, a refund may be given, subject to the following conditions:  

  • proof of date of visa application 3 months before the date of the event (up to 31 March 2025)
  • official notice from the UK Government confirming that a visa could not be granted
  • the refund is requested before the cancellation deadline of Friday 2 May 2025, midnight, UK

Participants should forward the above to the Organisers at and if accepted, the registration fee minus a handling fee of £50 will be refunded after the Congress (no later than 90 days after the Congress).  No other costs will be paid.

CPD/CME and certificate of attendance

A certificate of attendance will be sent electronically after the congress, on completion of an online feedback questionnaire, to the e-mail address provided by the participant during registration. It is not possible to issue the certificate of attendance on site.

For those following the RCOG CPD Framework and ePortfolio - Free selection of credits is now available for all CPD activities. Further information about suggested number of credits for CPD activities can be found on the RCOG CPD Framework. Extra credits are available for adding a Reflection and Action following the activity (1 credit for reflection and 1 or 2 credits for action). Please see the RCOG CPD Framework for further guidance.

For those not registered on the RCOG CPD Programme - This event provides 90 hours of learning or 25 CPD credits. You need to confirm with the institute which manages your CPD programme how to claim CPD credits for this learning.

Registration cancellation policy  

The deadline for cancellation of registrations is Friday 2 May 2025 (date of receipt), midnight, UK time. To obtain a refund before this date, email Rapiergroup at A handling fee of £50 will be deducted from the refund sum. In case of cancellation after this date, no refunds will be made.  No refunds will be given for non-attendance.

Substitute names can be made at any time up to and including Friday 20 June 2025.  

Credit will not be given for unattended events or early termination of attendance. Refunds will be credited only to person/entity who/which paid the original registration. Reimbursement to or for the benefit of third parties is excluded.

Please note that the RCOG reserves the right to refuse admission to the Congress at its absolute discretion to any person or persons where it considers it is appropriate to do so in the interest of the Congress and the RCOG. 

Cancellation of the Congress: Convert to a virtual event

If, in the unlikely event, the decision is made by the RCOG to convert the RCOG World Congress 2025 to a fully virtual Congress, your registration fee will be switched to a virtual registration. No refunds will be made after the cancellation deadline. The RCOG will not be responsible for refunding any costs associated with travel or accommodation or any administration charges associated with the cancellation of travel tickets or accommodation. 

Cancellation of the Congress: Force Majeure

If the Congress cannot be held or is postponed, or if the Organiser is prevented through no fault of its own from fulfilling its obligations in connection with the Congress due to external, unforeseeable events beyond its control, or if circumstances arise, which could not have been foreseen and in the presence of which the Organiser would not have concluded this Contract in such a way and the elimination of such events or circumstances cannot be carried out by economically reasonable means (“Force Majeure”), the Organiser shall have the right to cancel the Congress immediately such events or circumstances become known and/or to terminate the Congress without any liability and shall be released from its obligations to the participants.

In these cases, the Organiser cannot be held liable by the participants for any damages, costs or losses such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, financial losses, lost profits, etc. In these circumstances, the Organiser reserves the right to either retain the entire registration fee and use it for a future or rescheduled Congress or to reimburse the participant for the costs that could be recovered from third parties. It is the attendee’s own responsibility to arrange their own insurance, should they require it, to cover for any travel, accommodation, or other cancellation costs. You are strongly advised to consider arranging such insurance.

Cancellation – payment of 3rd party costs

Please note that under no circumstances will the RCOG pay any travel or accommodation, or other costs related to cancellation, change of date, or change to a fully virtual event of the RCOG World Congress 2025 for any other reason, including, but not limited to, any travel disruption, visa related issues, unforeseen circumstances, personal illness or pandemic (such as COVID-19) related issues. It is the participant’s own responsibility to arrange their own insurance, should they require it, to cover for any travel, accommodation, or other cancellation costs. You are strongly advised to consider arranging such insurance.

At the event

Lost name badge 

The official Congress name badge must be worn at all times during the Congress. Access to the Congress facilities will not be granted without a proper, valid name badge. If a participant loses, misplaces, or forgets the name badge, a handling fee of £50 will be charged for a new name badge. Upon handing out a new name badge, the lost badge will become invalid.


Admission to the venue is for registered participants only. Seats in the session rooms are limited. Refunds will not be made if all seats are taken. It is the responsibility of the participant to access the session rooms in good time.

Babies and children at Congress 

We want to make it as easy as possible for parents and carers to attend Congress. We have a parent room located at the venue for use during Congress and ask that if you are bringing a baby/child, you are respectfully mindful of other participants, presenters and other attendees and ensure there is no noise disruption at any time. Children are not permitted into any of the conference or exhibition areas with the exception of very young babies.

Modification of the Congress programme

The Congress programme is published as an indication only and may be subject to modification at any time in terms of time, location, theme, and content (in particular to the programme schedule, the appointment and/or selection of speakers, the technical environment, programme duration, etc.) Participants have no claim to the staging of a particular speaker and/or event, to a particular event duration or to the provision of a particular content. Changes to the programme do neither constitute a right of withdrawal nor refund claim on the part of participants provided the character of the event as a specialist event in the specified subject area is not affected by the changes.

Film, photo and video recordings

Participants should be aware that the Organiser will create image, film and audio recordings during the Congress for educational purposes. This material can be shared and published via the RCOG website or social media channels (including Facebook, X, Instagram) to promote the event without entitlement to remuneration. In this respect, participants waive any remuneration, and the Organisers will not be liable for any claims for remuneration whatsoever. Participants can withdraw their consent at any time by contacting Rapiergroup via email to Upon your request to withdraw consent, the RCOG will cease to use your images through its own channels. 

RCOG data processing policy 

For information about how we use your personal data, please see the RCOG World Congress 2025 Privacy Policy.

Exhibitor Lead Capture Technology

As some Congress Exhibitors may use the Lead Capture Technology, attendees can use their name badge like a business card with them to communicate their complete contact details. In this case you decide to whom you provide your data. Please note that offering your badge to be scanned at an exhibition stand and/or at the entrance to a satellite symposium implies your acceptance that the respective company receives your complete contact details from the organisers and may contact you, using the data.

Intellectual property rights  

All content (including but not limited to logos, trademarks, brands, copyright, etc.) displayed at and/or during the Congress remain the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only. All papers, reports, images, content and compilations published on the event website and/or related websites are subject to the applicable copyright laws. The reproduction, editing, distribution, sharing and/or any kind of exploitation outside the limits of the applicable copyright laws require the written consent of the respective author and/or creator.

Downloads and copies of information, documents, files, presentations, and other content shared are only permitted if explicitly marked as being available for downloading, and solely for private use. The commercial use of content is prohibited without the express consent of the author/creator. Insofar as the content on the event platform website has not been created by the organiser, the copyright of third parties must be observed. Contributions of third parties are marked as such on the event platform website. Should any participant become aware that a copyright infringement has nevertheless occurred, the Organiser should be notified immediately. The relevant content will then be removed.

Indemnification for copyright infringement 

Participants must ensure that any Congress-related use or exploitation of works and/or materials employed or used by them in connection with an activity or participation in such an activity (i.e., lecture, presentation, moderation and/or other contributions, etc.) is done lawfully and in compliance with all applicable copyright protection regulations and in recognition of all rights of third parties.

Participants must also ensure that the above assurance extends to the documentation of the event and public reporting, such as through photography, filming and recording as described above. All participants and presenters must indemnify and hold harmless the Organiser and/or the hosting party from any claims, liability, loss or expense (including attorneys' fees as legally permissible) arising out of any breach of the foregoing representations.

The Congress website and its use

Unless otherwise expressly stated or evident from the circumstances, all content displayed on the Congress website is the property of the Organisers. All participants with completed and confirmed registration are entitled to view any part of the Congress website and to copy or download content, provided it is used exclusively for personal or non-commercial use and third-party rights are not infringed. Any other reproduction of the contents of the Congress website requires the permission of the Organiser in all cases.

Viruses or other technical malfunctions; blocking of access; disclaimer of warranty

All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that downloadable content is free of viruses. The Organiser cannot accept liability for any damages resulting from viruses affecting third party computer systems that originate from this website and/or any digital event platform. The Organiser cannot guarantee trouble-free use of the Congress website and/or any digital event platform. Any claims for damages in this regard are excluded.

Access to the Congress website, the associated digital offers and/or any digital event platform can be blocked temporarily or permanently if there are concrete indications that the participant is violating or has violated these GTC and/or applicable law or if the Organiser has another justified, substantial interest in blocking access. When deciding on a blocking, the legitimate interests of the participant will be taken into account appropriately.

The Organiser does not guarantee the adequacy, accuracy and/or completeness of information published in connection with the Congress. Furthermore, the Organiser does not guarantee uninterrupted and/or error-free access to the Congress websites. The Organiser shall endeavour to remedy such interruptions as quickly as possible using economically reasonable means. In all other respects, the regulations from the area of connectivity or technical issues apply.

Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances shall the Organisers be liable, however arising, for any losses arising to any other party, including without limitation for loss of profit, loss of revenues or anticipated savings, damage to reputation or other consequential, special or indirect losses.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The law of the UK shall apply to these terms and conditions and the Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising.

Requirement of written form

Any changes and/or additions to these terms and conditions must be made and expressly agreed by the Organisers in writing to be effective, and no oral or other informal arrangements are enforceable. This also applies to the waiver of the requirement of the written form.

Severability clause  

Should individually provisions of these general terms and conditions of business be and/or become invalid and/or impracticable, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby.

Right of modification

The Organiser may make changes and/or additions to these general terms and conditions at any time. The participants will be informed of such revisions from time to time.

Travel restrictions, relating to Covid-19 or other pandemic, public transport strikes or any other unforeseen event

It is your own responsibility to check the current travel and testing requirements relating to Covid-19 or other pandemic conditions for entry into the UK and for return travel to your home country.   The RCOG cannot be held responsible for any restrictions or disruptions (including but not limited to strikes, adverse weather, or cancellations) preventing your travel to the UK or travel home, following the Congress. 

