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Submit an idea for a new educational product

The Education Quality Assurance Committee (EQAC) oversees the two-stage process for education product approval.

EQAC assess proposals according to criteria that are patient-centred, educationally sound, and that meet the defined educational needs of specified target audiences.

EQAC will develop and oversee systems for the regular systematic reviews of all College educational resources.

EQAC ensures all new product proposals as well as college activity (covering the meetings and courses department and eLearning resources) adheres to the GMC Quality Assurance Framework.

The Services and Product Review and Innovation Group (SPRIG) will consider the resource implications and deliverability of proposed products. It is the joint findings of both EQAC and SPRIG which will determine the future of such proposals.

Submit a proposal for a new product

We welcome ideas for new products from our Fellows, Members, Trainees and other groups.

To submit your idea, email a completed RCOG Product Proposal Form (Word document 858kb) to Curriculum Coordinator Sakinah Takeram at .
