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ATSM Directors

ATSM Directors are members of the deanery School of O&G. They are responsible for:

  • Quality control of ATSMs
  • Ensuring all ATSM Preceptors and ATSM Educational Supervisors of modules are delivering all elements of the curriculum
  • Reporting to the School and the RCOG
  • Implementing any changes to the provision of ATSMs required for workforce planning

ATSM Directors in the UK

Deanery ATSM Director Email address
East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery (North) Dr Judith Moore, Nottingham City Hospital
East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery (South) Dr Humera Ansar, University Hospital of Leicester
East of England Dr Ilias Giarenis, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital 
Kent, Surrey and Sussex Dr Catherine Wykes, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
London North East Thames Dr Charlotte Kingman, Homerton Hospital
London North West Thames Miss Charity Khoo, Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital

London South Miss Sally Watkinson, Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Greenwich)
North Western and Mersey Dr Rebekah Samangaya, Saint Mary's Hospital
Northern Dr Sarah Gatiss, Sunderland Royal Hospital
Northern Ireland Dr Priscilla Devaseelan, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Oxford Dr Ruth Houlden, John Radcliffe Hospital
Scotland East Dr Kalpana Ragupathy, Ninewells Hospital

Scotland North Dr Gail Littlewood
Scotland South East Dr Lesley Curry, Victoria Hospital 
Scotland West Dr Kirstyn Brogan, University Hospital Crosshouse
South West Dr Ed MacLaren, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

Wales Dr Manju Manjambigai, Royal Gwent Hospital 
Wessex Dr Ian Simpson, Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital 
West Midlands Dr Paul Woollett, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust 
Yorkshire and the Humber Dr C Ramage, York District Hospital