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Core Curriculum: CiP 13

Capability in Practice 13: The doctor is able to champion the healthcare needs of people from all groups within society.

This CiP is grouped under Professional Identity 4: Champion for Women’s Health

Key Skills


Promotes non-discriminatory practice


  • Possesses knowledge of ethical and legal issues and an awareness of the situations where discrimination might occur.
  • Respects different values of patients and colleagues.
  • Recognises how health systems can discriminate against patients with protected characteristics and works to minimise this discrimination.
  • Must not allow their personal beliefs to lead to discrimination.
  • Adopts patient-centred assessments and interventions that are inclusive and respectful of diversity.
  • Is able to perform consultations addressing the specific needs of a disabled person and being mindful that not all disabilities are visible.
  • Understands the specific needs of transgender and non-binary individuals and is able to perform consultations and refer appropriately to specialist services.

Aware of broader social and cultural determinants of health

  • Understands the impact of a patient’s social, economic and environmental context on their health.
  • Interacts with appropriate patient representatives and engages with colleagues from different professional and personal backgrounds when working in multidisciplinary teams to promote the health of patients and the public.
  • Assesses the interaction between women’s health and cultural beliefs and practices.
  • Must be aware of and adhere to the legislation regarding certain cultural practices (e.g. FGM, modern slavery) within the UK.

Aware of an individual’s social wellbeing

  • Takes an appropriate social history to identify any pertinent social issues and can signpost patients to appropriate services.
  • Considers the interaction between medical conditions, care and a woman’s broader work and family life.
  • Understands that people who care for dependents may face barriers in engaging with healthcare services or as a result have delayed engagement with healthcare providers which could impact on their health
  • Understands the principles of safeguarding and their responsibility in protecting people's health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.

Aware of the interaction between mental health and physical health

  • Understands how mental health issues can affect a woman’s reproductive health.
  • Knows how reproductive health issues can significantly impact on the mental health of a woman and her partner.

Evidence to inform decision

  • Equality and Diversity training
  • FGM training
  • Reflective practice    
  • TO2 (including SO)
  • Local and Deanery Teaching
  • RCOG eLearning
  • MRCOG Part 3

Mapping to GPCs

Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours

Domain 2: Professional skills

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Dealing with complexity and uncertainty

Domain 3: Professional knowledge

  • Professional requirements
  • National legislative requirements
  • The health service and healthcare systems in the four countries

Domain 4: Capabilities in health promotion and illness prevention

Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and teamworking

Domain 6: Capabilities in patient safety and quality improvement

  • Patient safety
  • Quality improvement

Domain 7: Capabilities in safeguarding vulnerable groups
