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Core Curriculum: CiP 5

Capability in Practice 5: The doctor takes an active role in helping self and others to develop themselves.

This CiP is grouped under Professional Identity 1: Healthcare Professional.

Key Skills


Maintains situational awareness


  • Understands and applies the three critical stages of situation awareness.
  • Understands and applies the techniques to maintain situation awareness, both team and individual factors – e.g. minimising interruptions and distractions.
  • Maintains situation awareness in safety-critical environments.

Demonstrates insight into decision making

  • Understands the psychological theories on how we make decisions under pressure.
  • Understands the different types of decision making (intuitive, rule-based, analytical and creative).
  • Demonstrates insight into own decision-making process.
  • Can review and analyse the decisions of others.
  • Progresses from analytical to intuitive decision making and is able to articulate this as experience develops.
  • Reflects on unconscious biases which may influence our interaction and behaviour
  • Demonstrates when making clinical decisions the ability to consider a person’s perspective and the reasons for choices and perception of safety.

Ability to respond to human performance within adverse clinical events

  • Demonstrates knowledge and effects of various types of human error/violations on outcomes.
  • Demonstrates knowledge and effects of unconscious and cognitive biases (e.g. fixation, normalcy, confirmation etc.).
  • Reviews effects of human error and biases in clinical practice.

Team working


  • Understands team working in complex dynamic situations.
  • Ability to adapt to changing teams.
  • Works effectively as part of a multiprofessional team in different roles.
  • Communicates effectively within the multiprofessional team and with patients, relatives and members of the public. Understands that multiple methods of communication are required
  • Demonstrates appropriate assertiveness and challenges constructively.
  • Reflects on breakdowns in team working and communication.
  • Recognises and celebrates effective multiprofessional team working

Understands systems and organisational factors


  • Recognises how equipment and environment contribute to outcomes and patient safety.
  • Is aware of latent and active failures within healthcare systems and the effects on safety eg. Reason’s model (Swiss cheese).
  • Promotes a safety culture by role modelling ideal behaviours. 
  • Knows how to escalate safety concerns.
  • Understands the concept of ‘high reliability’ organisations and the relevance to improving outcomes in healthcare.

Evidence to inform decision

  • Reflective practice
  • TO2 (including SO)  
  • Local and Deanery Teaching
  • RCOG e-learning

Mapping to GPCs

Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours

Domain 2: Professional skills

  • Practical skills
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Dealing with complexity and uncertainty

Domain 3: Professional knowledge

  • Professional requirements
  • National legislative structure
  • The health service and healthcare systems in the four countries

Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and teamworking

Domain 6: Capabilities in patient safety and quality improvement

  • Patient safety
  • Quality improvement