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Knowledge Area 14 Gynaecological oncology

Capability in practice (CiP)

  • 1: The doctor is able to apply medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional values for the provision of high-quality and safe patient-centred care
  • 6: The doctor takes an active role in helping self and others to develop
  • 11: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing non-emergency gynaecology and early pregnancy care


Summary Knowledge Requirements


  • Surgical anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis
  • Cellular biology of cancer, genetic origins of cancer and principles of diagnosis and screening for gynaecological cancer
  • Pain pathways, transmission of pain centrally and pathology of pain in gynaecological malignancy
  • Epidemiology and aetiology of cancers affecting women
  • Pathology of and classification systems for gynaecological cancer and premalignant gynaecological conditions
  • Principles of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the management of gynaecological cancer and their effects on gonadal function


  • Have full knowledge of the aetiology and screening involved in gynaecological oncology, including the international perspective
  • Understand presenting symptoms and their management and have the appropriate competencies for each stage of the diagnostic process, including comprehension of the different roles and skills needed in district lead and gynae oncologist
  • Know the prognosis of and treatment options for gynaecological cancers


  • Have full knowledge of the aetiology and screening involved in gynaecological oncology, including the international perspective
  • Understand presenting symptoms and their management and have the appropriate competencies for each stage of the diagnostic process, including comprehension of the different roles and skills needed in district lead and gynae oncologist
  • Know the prognosis of and treatment options for gynaecological cancers
  • Be able to demonstrate your ability to provide counselling for patients with gynaecological cancer


Detailed knowledge requirements

  • Epidemiology, aetiology, genetic associations, diagnosis, prevention, screening, management, prognosis, complications, and anatomical considerations of premalignant and malignant conditions of: vulva, vagina, uterus, cervix, fallopian tube, ovary
  • FIGO classifications for gynaecological tumours
  • Palliative and terminal care
  • Relief of symptoms
  • Community support roles
  • Indications and limitations in relation to screening and investigative techniques: cytology and HPV testing, colposcopy, minor procedures
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Indications, techniques, complications, and outcomes of: oncological surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
  • Awareness of HPV vaccination
  • Knowledge of gynaecological oncology multidisciplinary team meeting