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Foundation training in O&G

If you’re interested in a career in O&G, during your foundation training you may choose to complete the women’s health foundation module.

The foundation training guide (below) provides a framework for trainees and trainers to help develop personal learning goals and assess learning outcomes during training related to women’s health. It covers the knowledge and competency learning outcomes relevant to women’s health care that can be achieved during foundation training. 

There are two tiers:

  • Tier 1: for all doctors during their foundation years, irrespective of which foundation placements they undertake
  • Tier 2: for foundation doctors who undertake a placement in obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G)/women’s health

Use the guide in conjunction with the generic foundation programme curriculum, which sets out the framework for educational progression that will support your first 2 years of professional development after you graduate from medical school.

The guide sets out key knowledge areas, matched competencies and suggested educational resources, mapped to the UK foundation curriculum 2012. It’s not expected that every area of knowledge and competency will be achieved by every foundation doctor, but the guide should be used to suggest learning goals that are related to learning opportunities during placements.

Evidence of achievement should be documented using the usual foundation programme tools, including supervised learning events (e.g. DOPS, mini-CEX and CbDs), reflective practice and TAB, and recorded within the foundation portfolio.

Guide to foundation training in women’s health care

The foundation training guide is not a formal curriculum and is not subject to approval by the General Medical Council. It has been ratified by the RCOG Education Board. It should be used in conjunction with the generic curriculum for the foundation years.

