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Advanced Training registration fee

From 1 April 2017 the RCOG introduces a single Advanced Training fee for ST 6/7 trainees with a National Training Number (NTN). The Advanced Training fee is based on the current Trainees’ Register fee. The Advanced Training fee will cover: Full registration for 2 ATSMs, or Registration for subspecialty training with an additional initial one-off payment required (see below).

The ATSM route

You will pay an annual sum of £156 instead of 2x one-off ATSM registration fees (£162 per ATSM).

The annual Advanced Training fee will be applied over 2 years and will commence at the time of registering for ATSM(s).

If you are taking longer than 24 months, e.g. you are training Less Than Full Time (LTFT), are on out-of-programme research etc. or have taken maternity leave, you can defer payment of your second instalment for up to 2 years. However payment must be made by the time you complete your ATSMs.

Should you register for a 3rd ATSM, which is not a requirement for CCT, you will have to pay the full registration fee for an ATSM of £162.

The Subspecialty route

You will pay an annual sum of £156. In your 1st year you will have to pay an additional subspecialty registration fee of £205 on top of the annual Advanced Training fee of £156, which is payable as one sum (£361).

In your 2nd year you will have to pay the basic Advanced Training fee. If applicable you will have to pay the basic Advanced Training fee in your 3rd year of subspecialty training.

If you are taking longer than 24 or 36 months to complete subspecialty training, e.g. you are training Less Than Full Time (LTFT), are undertaking subspecialty training as an academic clinical lecturer etc., you will not pay a further instalment after paying your 2nd advanced training fee (if you are on a 2 year programme) or 3rd advanced training fee (if you are on a 3 year programme). You need to ensure that all your advanced training fees are paid in full by the time you complete your subspecialty training.

It's not usual to start ATSMs during subspecialty training, owing to the time pressures of the subspecialty programme. However, there may be exceptions when your subspecialty training programme director will support you undertaking an ATSM as well and you can find further information: How to register for an ATSM during subspecialty training. You will have to pay the full registration fee of £162 for the ATSM you are registering for.

How do I pay the annual Advanced Training fee, the additional subspecialty training registration fee or full ATSM registration fee?

You can pay the annual Advanced Training fee, the additional subspecialty registration fee and the full ATSM registration fee online by debit or credit card.

On receipt of your registration form for either ATSM(s) or subspecialty training, the RCOG will set up the online payment on your account and acknowledge receipt of the forms with instructions on how to pay the fee.

Can I register for two ATSMs at the same time?

You can register for 2 ATSMs at the same time. The first annual Advanced Training fee will be due at the time of registration and the 2nd annual Advanced Training fee will be due a year later. A reminder will be sent to you at that time.


What happens if I have paid the annual Advanced Training fee and subsequently register for subspecialty training?

The annual Advanced Training fee for ATSMs will not be refunded.

You will have to pay the additional subspecialty training registration fee and the annual Advanced Training.

The exception is when you have paid the annual Advanced Training Fee within 6 months of registering for subspecialty training. In that case you will only have to pay the additional subspecialty training fee when registering for subspecialty training.  


How much do I have to pay if I have approval to undertake a third ATSM?

You will have to pay the full ATSM registration fee of £162 for your 3rd ATSM, as only 2 ATSMs are required for CCT.


What is the registration fee for doctors without National Training Numbers (NTNs); e.g. SAS doctors, consultants etc?

Doctors without a NTN will have to pay the full ATSM registration fee of £162.

You can pay the full ATSM registration fee online by debit or credit card.

On receipt of your registration form for your ATSM(s), the RCOG will set up the online payment on your account and acknowledge receipt of the forms with instructions on how to pay the fee.

