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Guidance on ATSM courses

For some ATSMs, attendance at courses is mandatory or highly recommended. You’ll find information about suitable course content on the webpage for each ATSM, which you can access from the main ATSM page.

The RCOG has developed the theoretical course syllabuses in conjunction with either the relevant special societies or the ATSM course lead.

  • Each course syllabus covers the minimum content a course needs to include to be suitable for an ATSM
  • Hospitals and groups are welcome to run ATSM-appropriate courses that follow the recommended syllabus
  • The RCOG does not require courses to be submitted for formal approval
  • The ATSM Preceptor of the relevant ATSM is responsible for helping trainees review course syllabuses and select suitable courses
  • The RCOG doesn’t offer any assistance with the selection process, other than to advise on courses run at or by the College

Find out more

If you need any help or advice, please email the Trainees' Coordinator at or call +44 20 7772 6348.
