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Core Curriculum: CiP 8

Capability in Practice 8: The doctor is effective as a teacher and supervisor of healthcare professionals.

This CiP is grouped under Professional Identity 2: Researcher, Scholar and Educator

Key Skills


Delivers effective teaching

  • Understands learning theories relevant to medical education.
  • Plans and delivers effective learning strategies and activities.
  • Promotes a safe learning environment and ensures patient safety is maintained.
  • Understands techniques for giving feedback and can provide it in a timely and constructive manner.
  • Evaluates and reflects on the effectiveness of their educational activities.

Embraces interprofessional learning

  • Understands the value of learning in teams.
  • Facilitates interprofessional learning.
  • Participates in interprofessional learning.

Involves stakeholders in education

  • Commits to learning from patients and stakeholders.
  • Demonstrates commitment to patient education.

Supervises and appraises

  • Contributes towards staff development and training, including supervision, appraisal and workplace assessment.
  • Demonstrates ability to act as a Clinical Supervisor.
  • Understands the appraisal and revalidation process.

Evidence to inform decision

  • Feedback on teaching
  • Reflective practice
  • Multidisciplinary labour ward skills session facilitation    
  • TO2 (including SO)
  • Local and Deanery Teaching
  • RCOG eLearning
  • MRCOG Part 3

Mapping to GPCs

Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours

Domain 2: Professional skills

  • Practical skills
  • Communication and interpersonal skills

Domain 3: Professional knowledge

  • Professional requirements

Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and team working

Domain 6: Capabilities in patient safety and quality improvement

  • Patient safety

Domain 8: Capabilities in education and training

Domain 9: Capabilities in research and scholarshi
