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Knowledge Area 2 Teaching and research

Capability in Practice (CiP)

  • 2: The doctor is able to successfully work within health organisations
  • 6: The doctor takes an active role in helping self and others to develop
  • 8: The doctor is effective as a teacher and supervisor of healthcare professionals


Summary Knowledge Requirements


  • Principles of screening, clinical trial design (multicentre, randomised controlled trials, etc.) and the statistical methods used in clinical research
  • Levels of evidence, quantification of risk, power of study, level of significance, informed consent and ethical and regulatory approvals in research
  • Principles of safe prescribing, quality control in medicine and the accuracy of tests


  • Understand quality improvement and management
  • Understand the production and application of clinical standards, guidelines and care pathways and protocols
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the principles of risk management and their relationship to clinical governance and complaints procedures
  • Demonstrate the skills needed to critically appraise scientific trials and literature
  • Understand the principles of adult learning
  • Understand the principles and legal issues surrounding research and teaching


  • Understand the principles of adult learning
  • Demonstrate aptitude in teaching common practical procedures in O&G
  • Understand quality improvement and management
  • Understand how to perform, interpret and use clinical audit cycles
  • Understand the production and application of clinical standards, guidelines and care pathways and protocols
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the principles of risk management and their relationship to clinical governance and complaints procedures
  • Understand the difference between audit and research
  • Understand how to plan a research project
  • Demonstrate the skills needed to critically appraise scientific trials and literature
  • Understand the principles and legal issues surrounding informed consent, with particular awareness of the implications for the unborn child, post mortem examinations, consent to surgical procedures including sterilisation, parental consent and Fraser guidelines, medical certification, research and teaching
  • Demonstrate awareness of the relevant strategies to ensure confidentiality, and when it might be broken
  • Understand the role of interpreters and patient advocates


Detailed Knowledge Requirements

  • Understand the principles of adult learning
  • Understand the skills and practices of a competent teacher
  • Understand the principles of giving feedback
  • Understand the principles of evaluation
  • Identify teaching strategies appropriate to adult learning
  • Identification learning theories, principles, needs and styles relevant to medical education
  • Demonstrate knowledge of literature relevant to current developments in medical education and other sectors
  • Define the roles of the various bodies involved in medical education and other sectors
  • Outline the appropriate local course of action to assist a trainee experiencing difficulty in making progress within their training programme
  • Understand the difference between appraisal, assessment and performance review
  • Understand the importance of an appraisal and the qualities of a good appraiser
  • Know the advantages and disadvantages of different study methodologies (quantitative and qualitative) for different types of questions at appraisal
  • Know the principles of appraisal and the structure of the appraisal interview
  • Understand the principles of mentoring
  • Understand levels of evidence and quality of evidence
  • Understand the difference between appraisal and assessment
  • Understand the reasons for assessment
  • Know different assessment methods and when to use them appropriately
  • Be aware of the differences between formative and summative assessment
  • Outline the role of workplace-based assessments, the assessment tools in use, their relationship to course learning outcomes, the factors that influence their selection and the need for monitoring evaluation
  • Understand the purpose of each assessment used within the MRCOG examination
  • Understand the difference between a reliable and a valid assessment
  • Understand the purpose of recertification and revalidation
  • Understand the range of uses of clinical data and its effective interpretation
  • Be aware of the confidentiality issues
  • Understand the audit cycle
  • Understand clinical effectiveness: Principles of evidence-based practice, Types of clinical trial/evidence classification, Grades of recommendation
  • Understand guidelines and integrated care pathways. Know how to formulate these and be aware of the advantages and disadvantages
  • Understand the different methods of obtaining data for audit including patient feedback questionnaires, hospital sources and national reference data
  • Understand the role of audit i.e. improving patient care and services, risk management etc
  • Understand the steps involved in completing the audit cycle
  • Describe the working uses of national and local databases used for audit such as specialty data collection systems, cancer registries etc, and for reporting and learning from clinical incidents and near misses in the UK
  • Understand the definitions and relevance of levels of evidence
  • Understand the development and implementation of clinical guidelines, integrated care pathways and protocols
  • Understand the organisational framework for clinical governance at local, regional and national levels
  • Understand standards e.g. NSF, NICE, RCOG guidelines
  • Understand quality improvement methodologies and a range of methods
  • Know the principles of risk management and their relationship to clinical governance
  • Understand the basic measures of risk and uncertainty
  • Be aware of particular issues pertinent to the specialty and to trainees specifically
  • Understand potential sources of risk and risk management tools, techniques and protocols
  • Understand best practice, transparency and consistency
  • Outline the features of a safe working environment
  • Outline the hazards of clinical equipment in common use
  • Recall side effects and contraindications of prescribed medications
  • Recall the components of safe working practice in the personal, clinical and organisational settings
  • Outline human factors theory and understand its impact on safety
  • Understand root cause analysis
  • Understand significant event analysis
  • Outline local procedures and protocols for optimal practice including early warning systems
  • Understand root cause analysis
  • Understand significant event analysis
  • Understand processes for dealing with and learning from clinical errors, including the management of complaints procedures risk management incidents/ near miss reporting complaints management litigation and claims management
  • Keep abreast of national patient safety initiatives including NPSA. NCEPOCD reports, NICE guidelines
  • Be aware of how healthcare governance influences patient care, research and educational activities at a local, regional and national level
  • Ensure patient/ user involvement
  • Outline methods and associated problems of quantifying risk e.g. cohort studies
  • Outline the concepts and drawbacks of quantitative assessment of risk or benefit e.g. numbers needed to treat
  • Describe commonly used statistical methodology
  • Know how relative and absolute risks are derived and the meaning of the terms: predictive value, sensitivity and specificity, in relation to diagnostic tests
  • Understand the difference between audit and research
  • Know how to apply statistics in scientific and medical practice
  • Understand how to plan and analyse a research project
  • Understand statistical methods
  • Know the principles of research ethics and conflicts of interest
  • Outline the GMC guidance on good practice in research
  • Know about local and national research guidelines
  • Know the principles of research governance. Describe how clinical guidelines are produced
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of research principles
  • Outline the principles of formulating a research question and designing a project
  • Comprehend principal qualitative, quantitative, biostatistical and epidemiological research methods
  • Demonstrate good verbal and written presentations skills
  • Have knowledge of research methods and how to evaluate scientific publications including the limitations of different methodologies for collecting data
  • Define the role of the Caldicott Guardian and Information Governance lead within an institution, and outline the process of attaining Caldicott approval for audit or research
  • Understand the principles of patient and public involvement
  • Involve patients in decision making
  • Know about quality improvement methodologies including a range of methods for obtaining feedback from patients and the public