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Subspecialty training | Curriculum 2019

This section is relevant to trainees following the Subspecialty Curriculum 2019 and will remain in effect until August 2026. For those on the 2024 curriculum, please refer to the 2024 subspecialty curriculum.

In the last two years of medical training, doctors undertake subspecialty training or Advanced Training Skills Modules (ATSMs).

This chapter of the training programme is designed to develop the high-level skills they will need for a consultant post in their specialist area of interest.

Training and research overview

The subspecialty training programme in obstetrics and gynaecology is a minimum three-year training programme that comprises:

  • A minimum of two years of clinical training
  • 12 months of dedicated research

The clinical training programme is competence based and the time needed to complete it will depend on your own abilities and the opportunities you have to complete the curriculum.

The aim of the research component of subspecialty training is to ensure you can design and execute a high-quality research study. If you’ve undertaken research before starting the subspecialty programme, this can be taken into account.
If the Subspecialty Committee grants you research exemption, you’ll just need to complete a minimum of two years of clinical training. For more information, please read the guidance on the research component of subspecialty training.

The Subspecialty Training Programme Supervisor (STPS) is responsible for overseeing the subspecialty training programme and ensuring you attain the relevant competences. For more information, please read the STPS job description.

Subspecialty curricula

The available subspecialties are listed below. Each link provides everything you need to know about training in that subspecialty: curriculum, logbooks, assessment forms and any other relevant information.
