Find out more about the background of the Advanced Training Review (ATR)
Advanced Training Review | Background
The ATR project team was formed shortly after the approval and publication of the 2019 core curriculum with a brief to develop the ATR.
The RCOG commissioned the ATR in 2020 in direct response to the GMC’s feedback on the 2019 curriculum submission and approval process. This recognised the need to substantially review and update both the advanced and subspecialty training component of the curriculum.
In October 2020, the ATR steering group was created specifically to oversee the submission of documentation to the GMC. The Steering Group reports directly to the Advanced Training Project Board. The outputs from the project are routinely reported to Curriculum Committees, SEAC and ultimately RCOG Council via the Education Board.
Obstetrics and gynaecology subgroups and working parties for each subspecialty, bringing together relevant clinicians, trainees and lay representatives, undertook the development of the SITM curriculum and revision of the four subspecialty curricula.
Particular effort was made to engage consultants working in both smaller district general hospitals and larger tertiary hospitals, in both special interest and subspecialty posts. The subgroups met on a monthly basis until the revised modules had been finalised.
The revised curriculum and recommended training pathway changes have been produced collaboratively with educationalists, trainees, SAS and LE doctors, heads of school, clinical directors and specialist societies.
Both public and patient involvement groups and the statutory education bodies have been crucial in providing meaningful feedback and engagement to ensure the 2024 curriculum can improve not only the quality and experience of training but patient safety and the health of women and girls.
Our ultimate aim is to achieve the scale necessary to deliver our ambition of improving women’s health and healthcare worldwide, through our global education, clinical quality and influencing abilities.
Drivers for change
The RCOG commissioned the Advanced Training Review (ATR) in 2020, recognising the need to review and update both the advanced and subspecialty training component of the O&G curriculum 2024.
We have delivered a review of the advanced training components which have been aligned to the GMC’s standards for postgraduate medical education, ‘Excellence by Design’ and ‘Generic Professional Capabilities’.
The most important drivers for change were to revise our curriculum to meet the changing the needs of the population.
The ATR was developed and overseen according to the following governance structure:
- Education Board and RCOG Officers – responsible for formal sign-off of the GMC submission
- Specialty Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) – consisting of all UK heads of school, responsible for ensuring that the proposed revisions are deliverable, acting as regional champions and working with RCOG to help ensure successful implementation
- Clinical Champions Group – input and oversight of all clinical areas of development from senior RCOG educationalists
- ATR Project Board – governing body overseeing all project activities, including oversight and signoff of ATR documentation
- ATR Steering Group – responsible for development and evaluation of the curriculum development process
- Task and finish groups for key activities
- Focus groups with trainees, SAS & LE doctors, clinical directors, heads of school and TPDs, public and patient involvement groups
Past events and reports
March to April 2023 | Consultation
The public consultation process resulted in invaluable feedback, which has helped to further shape the details of the curriculum changes.
We are immensely grateful to all those who contributed to the review, including those who shared their comments throughout the public consultation.
March 2023 | ATR webinar
We hosted a live Q&A event to introduce the ATR, as well as the rationale behind the curriculum and programme changes.
Topics included:
- An introduction and overview of the ATR and the drivers for change
- Proposed changes to gynaecology advanced training (ATSMs to SITMs)
- Proposed changes to obstetrics advanced training (ATSMs to SITMs)
- Subspecialty training curriculum changes
April 2023 | PPI listening
Members of the public were given the opportunity to provide online feedback as part of the wider consultation process.
We gave opportunities to hear more about the review, ask questions and give feedback for non-clinical participants. In April 2023, we delivered a workshop to gather feedback on the ATR consultation.
Workshop attendees included Pelvic Pain Support, Campaign Against Painful Hysteroscopy, Ectopic Pregnancy Trust and Group B Strep Support.
Attendees also included people with an interest in and lived experience of endometriosis, pudendal neuralgia, fibroids, baby loss, urogynaecological and early pregnancy conditions, fertility treatment as well as a range of other O&G experiences.
April 2023 | Heads of School listening event
We held a listening event for Heads of School and SEAC members to feedback on the consultation and discuss the implementation and deliverability of the proposed revisions.
July 2023 | ATR equality, diversity and inclusion workshop
We held an equality, diversity and inclusion workshop with our external stakeholders during which we were able to debate and promote fair training cultures and the challenges that surround these areas. The workshop collected participant’s views, opinions and feedback regarding the ATR.
July 2023 | Clinical Director listening event
We held a virtual information sharing event with clinical directors which we outlined how our proposals are deliverable and aligned to service structures.
More information

Find all documents to download here, relevant to the core curriculum 2024
Find resources to support learners with the implementation and transition to the Curriculum 2024
Find all guidance material for faculty, workforce and service
For further assistance or questions, please get in touch with our team via email at curriculum@rcog.org.uk.