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The RCOG is committed to developing doctors and specialists with wide ranging professional skills and modern, questioning attitudes to treatment and care

From postgraduate to consultant, find out how our GMC approved training curriculum can prepare you for a lifelong career in O&G.

Core Curriculum 2024

Find all relevant documents to download here for the Core Curriculum 2024, including Core Curriculum Definitive Document, Summary of Changes, MRCOG Syllabus and knowledge requirements


Find all relevant documents to download here for the Curriculum 2024 obstetric and gynaecology SITMs, including the Special Interest Definitive Document and individual SITM curriculum guides


Find all relevant documents to download here for the Curriculum 2024 obstetric and gynaecology SIPMs

Subspecialty (SST) Curricula

Find all relevant documents to download here for the four Curriculum 2024 obstetric and gynaecology SSTs. For each there is an individual definitive document and individual curriculum guide

Training Matrix

Find the Training Matrix of progression 2024-2025 for trainees on Core Curriculum 2024 here

More information

Core curriculum

Find all documents to download here, relevant to the core curriculum 2024

Learner support and guidance

Find resources to support learners with the implementation and transition to the Curriculum 2024

Educators support and guidance

Find all guidance material for faculty, workforce and service

Contact us

For further assistance or questions, please get in touch with our team via email at