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O&G Curriculum 2024 | Core Curriculum

Find all documents to download here relevant to the core curriculum 2024

Core curriculum 2024

The purpose of the O&G core curriculum is to produce doctors with the generic professional and specialty-specific capabilities needed to advise and treat people presenting with a wide range of general obstetric and gynaecological conditions. 

The curriculum provides a framework for training by defining the standards required to work at consultant level and at key progression points during training. 

Core Curriculum Definitive Document

The core curriculum for O&G constitutes the main programme of training for all doctors wishing to obtain a certificate of completion of training (CCT) in O&G. The core definitive document addresses in detail the purpose, learning outcomes, content of learning, process of training and the programme of assessment. Blue text indicates changes from core curriculum 2019 to the new core curriculum 2024. 

Summary of changes

This document summarises the changes between the core curriculum 2019 and the new core curriculum 2024.

MRCOG Syllabus & Core Knowledge Requirements

Find out more about the MRCOG syllabus and knowledge requirements for the core curriculum.

More information

Core curriculum

Find all documents to download here, relevant to the core curriculum 2024

Learner support and guidance

Find resources to support learners with the implementation and transition to the Curriculum 2024

Educators support and guidance

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