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O&G Curriculum 2024 | Gynaecology curriculum guides

All gynaecology curriculum SITM guides for Curriculum 2024 can be found below

Colposcopy (C)

This SITM is aimed at learners who have an interest in colposcopy practice or want to develop the necessary skills to take up a leadership role in a colposcopy service.

Management of Subfertility (MoS)

This SITM is aimed at learners with an interest in subfertility and reproductive health. This SITM is a requirement for the subspecialty training (SST) curriculum for Reproductive Medicine.

Oncology (O)

This SITM is aimed at learners with an interest in Gynaecological Oncology. This is a ‘Contingent’ SITM and is paired with the Gynaecological Surgical Care SITM. This SITM is a requirement for the subspecialty training (SST) curriculum for Gynaecological Oncology.

More information

Core curriculum

Find all documents to download here, relevant to the core curriculum 2024

Learner support and guidance

Find resources to support learners with the implementation and transition to the Curriculum 2024

Educators support and guidance

Find all guidance material for faculty, workforce and service

Contact us

For further assistance or questions, please get in touch with our team via email at
