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Workforce and service: Delivering a workforce for the future

Find resources to support those responsible for designing the delivery of service and training

The following resource includes:

  • Introduction - flexibility and lifelong learning are key principles to the provision and delivery of clinical services
  • Collaboration between service leads and education leads - “right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time” to provide person-centred care
  • Formalised processes for selection - promoting transparent processes for appointment to SITMs, including example application and reference forms
  • SAS and LE Doctors - conversations between regional Training Centres and Training Programmes leads recommended to enable SAS and LE doctors to register for special interest training

More information

Core curriculum

Find all documents to download here, relevant to the core curriculum 2024

Learner support and guidance

Find resources to support learners with the implementation and transition to the Curriculum 2024

Educators support and guidance

Find all guidance material for faculty, workforce and service

Contact us

For further assistance or questions, please get in touch with our team via email at
