In the ever evolving field of obstetrics and gynaecology, Mr Ian Scudamore, Vice President for Education at the RCOG, shares insights into the new Curriculum 2024.
Stay informed about news and upcoming events for Curriculum 2024, including webinars, blogs and general information
In the ever evolving field of obstetrics and gynaecology, Mr Ian Scudamore, Vice President for Education at the RCOG, shares insights into the new Curriculum 2024.
Find out more about upcoming and past events on the O&G Curriculum 2024
Educators and trainers webinar – an opportunity to watch the information sharing event introducing Curriculum 2024 to educators and trainers, explaining the implementation and answering attendees questions.
Trainees webinar – an opportunity to watch the information sharing event introducing Curriculum 2024 to trainees and leaners, explaining the implementation and answering attendees questions.
SAS and LE doctors webinar - an opportunity to watch the information sharing event introducing Curriculum 2024 to SAS and LE doctors, providing valuable insights into the key principles of the new Curriculum.
Deanery administrators webinar – an opportunity to watch the information sharing event introducing Curriculum 2024 to deanery administrators, explaining the Training ePortfolio changes and answering attendees questions.
Find all documents to download here, relevant to the core curriculum 2024
Find resources to support learners with the implementation and transition to the Curriculum 2024
Find all guidance material for faculty, workforce and service
For further assistance or questions, please get in touch with our team via email at curriculum@rcog.org.uk.