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SITM & SIPM regulations

Key rules and regulations for specialty training modules

This page provides essential guidelines on the regulations for Special Interest Training Modules (SITMs) and Special Interest Professional Modules (SIPMs). Here, you will find information on eligibility criteria, approval processes, and submission protocols necessary for successful completion and compliance with training requirements. Review the sections below to ensure you meet all necessary requirements.

On this page:

General requirements

NTN holders

SAS/LED/consultant/other applicants

General requirements

  • All applicants must have a current RCOG trainees register or membership subscription.
  • Trainees must complete two SITMs for the CCT or Portfolio Pathway.
  • Only one SITM can be registered for prior to completion of MRCOG.
  • A maximum of two SITMs can be undertaken concurrently, along with one SIPM.
  • Evidence from any stage of training can be used when registering for a SITM, and required fees must be paid upon registration.
  • Competencies can be achieved through recommended courses or alternative evidence approved by the ARCP panel.
  • Theoretical courses must have been attended within three years of completion.

NTN Holders

  • Start planning SITMs in ST3 and document choices at the end of year 3 ARCP.
  • Obtain a satisfactory ARCP outcome from year 4 before registering for a SITM.

SAS/LED/consultant/other Applicants

  • Must have completed the equivalent of ST4 competences from the core curriculum, as verified by the SITM director.
  • Must have a minimum of 4 years in O&G.
  • Must have received a satisfactory grade at the most recent annual appraisal.
  • Applicants with MRCOG can register for two SITMs concurrently with approval from the clinical director and SITM director.