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Undertaking subspecialty training as OOPT in another deanery

If you wish to undertake subspecialty training in a different deanery from your home deanery, this will be managed using the out of programme for training (OOPT) process.

OOPT for subspecialty training isn’t normally extended beyond 3 years, although extensions may be considered on an individual basis.

Application process

  • Before applying for a subspecialty training post in another deanery, discuss your intention with your home deanery’s Training Programme Director or Head of School
  • You’ll need to give 3 months notice, unless you’ve agreed an earlier release date with your home deanery
  • You’ll need support from both your home deanery and the host deanery for your subspecialty training
  • All subspecialty programmes must have the GMC approval so you’ll need to check this with your host deanery
  • Please email a copy of your deanery’s approved OOPT application form, signed by your deanery, to the Policy Coordinator (Quality) at at the RCOG

Responsibility for your training

  • Your home deanery will still be responsible for your ARCP (annual review of competence progression), but may decide to devolve this to your subspecialty training  host deanery
  • Your home deanerywill be responsible for your period of grace (the 6 months following your CCT), although this can be negotiated between the Schools and Deaneries

Find out more

For help and advice, please email the Policy Coordinator (Quality) at or call +44 20 7772 7294.

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