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Find resources to support Training ePortfolio changes for transition to Curriculum 2024

The ePortfolio platform remains the same with minor amendments to facilitate changes to evidence requirements for the Curriculum 2024.

RCOG Training ePortfolio Curriculum 2024 updates

This video outlines a high-level overview of the RCOG Training ePortfolio updates related to Curriculum 2024. It covers:

  • accessing both Curriculum 2024 and Curriculum 2019
  • completing assessments for related procedures
  • adjustments to Education Supervisor Reports and the SITM related trainer roles

The below video provides detailed guidance for learners and SITM-related trainer roles on the RCOG Training ePortfolio updates related to Curriculum 2024. It covers:

  • 00:05 - Learner - Accessing the Core Curriculum 2024
  • 02:53 - Learner - Accessing the new Special Interest Curricula
  • 06:22 - Accessing previous Advanced Curricula
  • 09:10 - Accessing the SIPM-related forms
  • 10:14 - Learner - Selecting Special Interest Curricula-related OSATS procedure names
  • 11:52 - Learner - Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) adjustments
  • 14:15 - Learner - Subspecialty Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) adjustments
  • 15:54 - SITM trainer roles - SITM Preceptor/Supervisor learner access
  • 16:34 - SITM trainer roles - SITM ATSM Director learner access
  • 17:10 - SITM trainer roles - Accessing SITM learner curriculum progress

More information

Core curriculum

Find all documents to download here, relevant to the core curriculum 2024

Learner support and guidance

Find resources to support learners with the implementation and transition to the Curriculum 2024

Educators support and guidance

Find all guidance material for faculty, workforce and service

Contact us

For further assistance or questions, please get in touch with our team via email at